Some members will have several advances in rank within the calendar year.

Where do I rank in the Unit? 


New Life Master requirements are reflected.


New Junior Masters (5-19.99MPs)
New this month:

Shirley Hoekstra

Susan Sherman

Joyce Weinstock


Judy Allen

Joni Antweil

Rick Armstrong

Carol Ashworth

Barbara Azzam

Michell Bauer

Joan Banstetter

John Belfi

Susan Bennet

Nancy Bernstein

Patricia Bick

Betsy Biggs

Ann Bradley

Clare Brady

Barbara Branham

Nancy Bray

Jack Brennan

Sandy Brickman

Peggy Brown

Harold Bulger Jr.

Felicia Childs

Patricia Clark

Steven Clementis

Nonie Cohen

Dr. John Colwell

James Cooper

Andrew Creasey

Ann Crowley

Maureen Curran

Joan Daniels

Patricia Dwyer

Henry Dubinsky

Mary Ferrick

Elizabeth Flanigan

Annette Fudemberg

Nancy Galvin

Kerry Lynn Gavrilovic

Gerald Greiman

Caroline Gunter

Daniel Hier

Irene Hommert

Susan Jansen

Carolyn Kimball

Karen Kretchmar

Dr. Frank Levinson

Robert Lewis

Barb Liberman

Dale Liefer

Deborah Liefer

Susan Lloyd

Joile Mackney

Jean Margul

Samuel McClarney

Marilyn Morton

Paula Mosher

Stephen Myres

Sally Patton

Ken Obrecht

Linda Patterson

Jason Patton

Cathy Paulsmeyer

David Peterson

Michael Pinney

Timothy Poor

Sharon Polster

Mona Powers

Carol Rosen

Christy Schafly

Ann Schmid

Debbie Shepherd

Michael Sims

Sherry Singer

Anne Kelley Smith

Mary Spencer

Geri Streckel

Elizabeth Studt

Thomas Stringer

Diana Stoneman

Robert Tucker

Patricia Vitale

Diana Votaw

Mathew Walsh

David Wells

Melissa Weener

Rochell Weiss

Mary Joan Woods

Debbie Worn

Martin Worn


New Club Masters (20 - 49.99)
New this month:

Marylee Beuerle

Nancy Galvin

Howard Handleman

Susie Knopf

John Levis

Joile Mackney

Mona Powers

Jane Rouse

Diana Stoneman

Courtney Wilderman

Patricia Ahrens

Shirley Adams

Teddi Baumgarten

Mary Bonifacio

Steven Clements

John Colwell

Sandra Conn

James Cooper

Anne Dunning

Aloys Faenger

Mary Ferrick

Cynthia Fahs

Theodore Fahs

Mary Ferrick

Gail Fischmann

Fritz Gebhard

John Gillir Jr.

Mary Ann Gerdes

Michael Goldwasser

Sue Higgenbothem

Irene Homert

John Isaacs III

Debb Kenily

Debbie Lane

Mary Jermak

Michael Kelly

Bill Manion

Jerome Margulis

James Meteer

Jill Padua

Jason Patton

Cathy Paulsmeyer

Timothy Poor

Jan Potts

John Rice

Marybeth Rodgers

Jay Sarver

Annie Schlafly

Anne Shapleigh

William Stevens

Mary Strebeck

Vicki Stringer

Patricia Thompson

Diane Votaw

Pat Warner

Roxanne Weisman

Eugene Weisman

David Wells

John Welte

Mary Joan Woods



New Sectional Masters (50 - 99.99, with at least 5 silver)
New this month:


Marshall Hankin

Diana Votaw


Norma Barr

Ruth Bosse

Delaine Boyd

Guy Bradley

Jennifer Cole

Barbara Cook

Diana Cummings

David Dierkes

Anne Dunning

Cathy Galan

Amy Galvin

Mark Guigon

Eugene Hartenberger

Linda Helm

Phillip Helm

Peggy Hindert

Wiliam Hirtz

Michael Kelly

Carolyn Kolman

Douglas Larson

Frank Lemp

Steve Litwicki

James Markey

Linda Meyers

Jane Miller

Kathleen Rather

Ann Ross

Shelley Sarver

Dorothy Schainker

Mary Ann Shepard

Lee Steuby

Patricia Steiner

Sharon Sweet

Barrett Taussig

Lauretta Weimer

Dennis Whitmore

Dr. Joel Zisk




New Regional Masters (100 - 199.99, with 15 silver & 5 red or gold)
New this month:




Marilyn Adaire

Carolyn Andrews

Lonnie Aronson

Alvert Barnett

Ted Beattie

Margaret Boveri

Carolyn Bower

Delaine Boyd

Dale Burian

B.A. Bridgewater

Ruth Byers

Sally Canfield

Walter Carpenter III

William Davis

David Dierkes

Kathleen Essma

Kathy Furgason

Karen Graves

Keith Graves

Mary Lois Hoog

Mike Kelly

Jerry King

Patricia Koncki

Raymond Laythe

Ann Lemp

Joyce Lewin

Barbara Macpeek

Lois Marshall

Helene Mirowitz

Isabelle Montupet

John Newman

Vera Miller

Bill Orrick

Karen Pahuski

Steve Palmer

Simeon Prager

Cheryl Prante

Paul Radzon

Ulrike Schlafly

Ken Schlueter

Regina Schlueter

Marcee Silverstein

Judy Snider

Ruth Sobel

Edwin Thomas Jr.

Robert Vetter

Kae Williams


New NABC Masters (200 - 299.99, with 5 gold, 15 red or gold, & 25 silver)
New this month:



Ann Albrect

Elaine Booker

Marie Bretzke

Susan Corley

Robert Daniels

Bill Davis

Mary Dolan

Doris Fairgrieve

David Fricke

JoAnn Froelich

Melissa Georges

Katherine Hartenberger

Barbara MacPeek

Gary Moll

Betty Ponzar

Marcia Ridley

Marian Solari


New Advanced NABC Masters(300-499.9, with 25 gold or platinum, 25 red, gold or platinum, 50 silver, & 50 black)
New this month:


Gene Fluri

New Life Masters (300 - 499.99, with 50 black, 50 silver, 25 red or gold, and 25 gold)
New this month:






Dennis Abeln

Camilla Baxter

Patricia Berger

Mark Brightfield

Jo Chorpening

Diana Drisko

Sara Fabick

Bob Griffin

Ann Gruver

Mary Macchesney

Sandra Meinz

Sharlene Morgan

S Rives

Navin Shah

Fay Wuest

Mark Ziegelman

New Bronze Life Masters (500-999.99)
New this month



Cookie Arneson

Thomas Becvar

Mark Brightfield

Diana Drisko

Hatchie Green

Roberta Kaus

Susan Kilo

Harvey Laux

Alan Lemley

Elizabeth Meteer

Doug O'Leary

Jeanne Redington

Delano Sylvester  




New Silver Life Masters (1000 - 2499.99)
New this month:

               Gilda Singer


Betty Crowder

Jonathan Goldberg

William Morgan

Cookie Potter

Alf Stole


New Gold Life Masters (2500 - 4999.99)
New this month:


Debbie Romero

Carol Hamilton



New Diamond Life Masters (5000 - 7499.99)
New this month:



Arbha Vongsvivut


New Emerald Life Masters(7500 - 9999.99)

New this month:



Alan Popkin

Milt Zlatic


New Platinum Life Masters (10000 +)
New this month:


New Grand Life Masters (10000 + A National Championship)
New this month:



All Unit Members with >2500 MPs

ALL GOLD LIFE MASTERS (2500-4999.99)


Carol Hamilton

Debbie Romero


prior to 2013


Tony Astrologes

Norman Athy

Mark Boswell

Steve Brauss

John Burgener

Michael Carmen

John Dicks

Mark Ehret

Karen Erlanger

Mike Giacaman

Lee Hastings

Gail Hawkins

Jack Hawkins

Bobbie Holmes

Marvin King

Linda Leinicke

Doug Moore

Suzi Shymanski Moore

Rose Morrison

Tod Moses

Donna Pedrotti

John Samsel

Kathleen Safranski

Carol Schaffer

Fran Scheifler

Nell Schneider

Glenn Smith

Dennis Spencer

Marcie Stauder

Brad Stevens

Donald Van Buskirk

Arbha Vongsvivut

Peggy Wald

Mic Weiss

ALL Diamond Life Masters  (5000 - 7499.99)


Arbha Vongsvivut



Bob Bainter

Lee Hastings


Sue Perez


En Xie




Kenny Bland

Sheldon Margulis




Denny O'Connor

Alan Popkin

Prior to 2006 (alphabetical order)

Ralph Behrens

Jim Hammond

Marvin Shapiro

Jacqueline Sincoff

Milt Zlatic

ALL Emerald Life Masters  (7500 - 9,999)


Alan Popkin

Milt Zlatic

Nancy Popkin




Rod Van Wyk - now Platinum LM

Prior to 2008 (alphabetical order)

Rod Beery - now Grand LM

Tom Kniest - now Grand LM

Larry Kolker

Roger Lord - now Grand LM

ALL Platinum Life Masters (10,000+)


Rod Van Wyk




Tom Oppenheimer

Prior to 2007

Jack Bryant


ALL Grand Life Masters
(10,000 + a National Championship) ...



Rod Beery   


Tom Kniest 



Member Advances in Rank 2012

Member Advances in Rank 2011

Member Advances in Rank 2010

Member Advances in Rank 2009

Member Advances in Rank 2008

Member Advances in Rank 2007

Member Advances in Rank 2006

* It takes 2 months from the time your earn the points

that move you to a new rank before the points are recorded and this report is published to the Unit.

Please be patient for your new ranking to appear.

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