Tournaments range from special events at the local neighborhood clubs to international-level championships.

Tournament Schedules






Miscellaneous Tournament Information






  .   Unit 143 St Louis 2024 Regional Tournament Conditions of Contest







Midwest Tournament Schedule

link to District 8 web site


Unit 143 is responsible for the administration and production of a number of events each year. If you want to help, please make your desire known to the Tournament Chair or any Board Member. We offer a great benefit: the joy of knowing you added to the pleasure of bridge players.


And if the above aren't enough for you, there is always the excitement of the hustle and bustle of a National Tournament. Even if you have just played duplicate for a week, there are events designed for YOU, run by exceptionally good and patient directors.

Each NABC offers events for all levels of players including an intermediate/newcomer program for players with fewer than 500 masterpoints. There are trophies, masterpoints, special events, lectures -- and lots of non-bridge entertainment -- at all NABCs.   For further information about ACBL tournaments, visit the national website.


Top St. Louis Area Attractions  Click here to see things to do for family and friends who are looking for something to do while you play bridge!




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Website and Content © 2003-2024, American Contract Bridge League of Greater St. Louis