Have Comments or Questions?

Contact Us

Your Unit 143 Board


Email to: Officers

President: Mark Boswell

Vice President: Mark Zellmer

Secretary: Janet Vontz

Treasurer: Steve Russell


Unit 143 Website


Webmaster,  Terry D'Amato, or the design team

Design Team Members:

John Antognoli

Mary Dolan

Helene Siegfried

Milt Zlatic


link to Other Current Board Members:


District 8

 District 8 On-Line: Website

District 8 Advocate: Newsletter

Have Comments or Questions?

Unit 143 Representatives to District 8 Board

Dennis Abeln

Debra (Debbie) Romero

John Welte





Contact Page

The American Contract Bridge League: your source for bridge news, information, and supplies. Learn the game. Find a club. Join other bridge enthusiasts.







Other Key Unit Players:

Tournament Chairman, Dennis Abeln.

Unit Electronic Contact, Steve Russell

Link to ACBL Contact Information.  Listings: Whom do I call, where do I write, what's on the ACBL website to help me?

Debbie Romero writes the Unit 143 news for the District 8 Advocate, bi-monthly newsletter.  You can write to Debbie with questions, comments, and suggestions about duplicate bridge in Unit 143.  Please put UNIT 143 NEWS in the subject line, to help avoid being scooped up by a spam filter.


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Website and Content © 2003-2024, American Contract Bridge League of Greater St. Louis