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Call a member of our

Board of Directors

for friendly dialogue about the game we love!


You've found a game where you can hold absolutely lousy cards all night long -- and still WIN!

Duplicate bridge is just like "regular" bridge, except you don't throw the cards into the center of the table and mix them together. They get played face up in front of you, and each player turns the card over at the end of the trick, with the long way pointing to the side who won the trick. Then the hand is scored (more in the next paragraph), the cards are replaced into a thin carrying board specially built to preserve the integrity of each hand. Then the hand is passed at a later time to another table where it will be played by another foursome. The Director is in charge of making sure the boards and players are at the right table at the right time.

Duplicate bridge is not really a different form of the game than you've learned. You still play "regular" bridge, but the final score on each hand is determined by a comparison method (called match points) instead of just total points. It's called duplicate because each hand you play will be played at several other tables during the session, under the same conditions. Unlike rubber bridge, which depends heavily on being dealt good hands to win, your final score at duplicate depends only on how well you bid and play the cards you actually hold, not on how "good" those cards are.


... Confused about duplicate lingo or ACBL terminology?

On-Line Bridge Glossary - The Bridge World guide to bridge terminology and slang.
ACBL from A to Z - Gain a better understanding of ACBL's programs, organization, & awards.
Explanation of Events - Discover the many types of games and tournaments.
How to create Goodwill at your table!

Requirements for Becoming a Life Master

Special Events - Find descriptions of various ACBL special events.
Active Ethics - Learn about Unauthorized Information
Zero Tolerance - If someone is acting in such a way as to impair your enjoyment of the game, then calling the Director is the appropriate way to handle it.


Weekly Games Just for Intermediate-Newcomer Players

If you are just starting out, you might want the more relaxed setting of a game run especially for you. Unit 143 offers a several special weekly club games just for players with less than 200 master points; one for players with less than 300 master points; one for players with less than 500 master points; and one for players with less than 750 master points..; as well as chat games for players with less than 100 master points.


Special Games for

Beginner or Novice and Intermediate Players

See Club Game Schedule

Games open to players with limited MPs are shown separately.


Unit 143 Sectional Tournaments for I/N players only are held in the spring and fall. 

See home page for announcements of upcoming tournaments.

See Clubs on Homepage for links to locations, maps



Whether you are new to playing bridge or new to playing duplicate bridge, there is a lot of information here for you to enjoy. No matter how long you have been playing bridge, there is always something more to learn. That is one of the things that makes the game such fun!

We offer regular games and tournaments with friendly directors. Sure, you can learn a lot playing against the more experienced players. You'll want to play in those games -- it's one of the quickest ways to improve. And there's nothing more exhilarating than to do well against the top players!

Not to be missed -- tournaments for players with fewer than 500 masterpoints held in the fall and the spring.  Upcoming tournaments featured on home page. 

And finally,
if you'd like to learn bridge or improve your game, and are looking for lessons, check out our

Area Bridge Teachers!


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Website and Content © 2003-2025, American Contract Bridge League of Greater St. Louis