NAP District 8 Final
Kudos to Unit 143 players who sweep in Flight A.
Lee Hastings & Mark Ehret and
Milt Zlatic & Tom Oppenheimer tied for first
and Mike Giacaman & Arhba Vongsvivut were second
We were also first and second in Flight B and third in Flight C.
FLIGHT A (Open) -- 13 tables
1/2 - Lee Hastings - Mark Ehret, St. Louis -- 58.10%
1/2 - Milton Zlatic -Tom Oppenheimer -- 58.10%
3 - Mike Giacaman - Arbha Vongsvivut -- 56.83%
4 - Roger Lord - Richard Riezman -- 56.15%
7 - En Xie - Jacque Sincoff -- 52.89%
FLIGHT B (0-2000) -- 20 tables
1 - George & Marilyn Bogacki -- 60.65%
2/3 - Jonathan Goldberg - Debra Romero -- 58.80%
7/8 - Stephen Zenk - Egon Diekhoff -- 54.51%
FLIGHT C (0-500 non-LM) -- 10 tables
3 - Elizabeth Meteer - Martha Hanley -- 56.37%
4 - Ralph Britto - William Maack -- 54.40%
5 - Michael Mitra - David Fricke -- 54.05%
6 - Marvin Meinz - Sandra Meinz -- 53.01
The top two pairs in each flight won travel awards
to Louisville KY in March 2011 to represent District 8
in the national finals of their respective flights.
The third-place pair in each flight also qualified for the national finals,
but receives no ACBL travel award.
Hand records for all flights: Afternoon Evening