Suzi Shymanski Moore

Unit 143 Meritorious Service Award


Today we honor Suzi Shymanski Moore for more than 20 years of continuous service to our bridge community.

Suzi has served Unit 143 as Board President,  Board Vice-president, Caddy Master, and Hospitality Chairperson.  At the 2007 ACBL National,  Suzi took on the job of caddy master.  At our most recent national, in 2013, Suzi was in charge of Registration. 

Hospitality chairperson is the role most of us associate with Suzi.  How important is hospitality?  It is the welcoming face of our unit.  It is key to a tournament’s ongoing success. 

At regional tournaments,  in addition to filling those candy jars, the Hospitality chair works with the hotel’s catering manager to coordinate food served at lunch, after the evening session, and at the District and Board member buffet.

At sectionals, the hospitality chairperson has more responsibility.   Sectional  hospitality means coordinating volunteers and planning meals, shopping for food, preparing food, decorating tables, and doing set-up for snacks, lunch, and continental breakfast.  The hospitality chair arranges catering for the Sunday Swiss lunch.  For many years, we’ve had Suzi to thank for all of this. 

Suzi’s leadership, planning, and management skills, plus her Martha-Stewart -like gift for table decoration and food presentation, have made our tournaments well-known for good hospitality.  And good hospitality is part of what draws players back year after year. 

Our sectionals have grown since the 1990’s when Suzi took on her role of Hospitality chairperson.  Today our sectionals are as large as some regionals.  Suzi is one of the people we have to thank for that growth.

Those who have worked with Suzi know her warmth, friendliness, and enthusiasm.  Those who have worked with Suzi know that she always gets the job done and always goes that extra mile. 

Suzi, please accept this award in recognition of your meritorious service to Unit 143 and to ACBL.  We thank you.  We’re lucky to have you.  




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