Photos from St. Charles Sectional May 2017


Winners 2-session Saturday Open Pairs

Karen Erlanger and John Burgener


Saturday Afternoon I/N First in A and B

James Cittadino and John Oefelein


Saturday Evening I/N First in A

Mary Foushee and Mary Ferrick


New Life Masters receiving their pins from Unit President Becky Hubert


Delaine Boyd


Regina Schlueter

Ken Schlueter


Irvin (Joy) Drewel

Carol Rentz


Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs Winners 2016


Pictured above:  Bertram Risch (0-5 Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs),

Carol Wagner (5-20 Ace of Clubs), Ken Deutch (20-50 Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs),

John Hagedorn (100-200 Mini-McKenney)


Missing from picture:  James Pascoe (5-20 Mini-McKenney), Kelly White (50-100 Ace of Clubs), Dan Waeltermann (50-100 Mini-McKinney), Debb Keniley (100-200 Ace of Clubs)




Ace of Clubs:  Beth Meteer (500-1000), Arbha Vongsvivut (5000-7500),

Marilyn Bolz (200-300), John Levis (300-500), Milt Zlatic (7500-10000)


Missing from picture: Randy Baker (Ace of Clubs 1000-1500),

Michael Pitonak (Ace of Clubs 2500-3500)



George Jones receiving his Ace of Clubs certificate.  He won the 1500-2500 MP category.  George couldn't attend sectional, but he'll be back soon.  Thanks to

Phyllis Siegel for delivering George's certificate and sending in this picture.





Mark Boswell (3500 - 5000 winner both Mini McKinney and Ace of Clubs), En Xie (over 10,000 winner Ace of Clubs), John Levis (Mini-McKinney 300-500), Milt Zlatic (Mini-McKinney 7500-10000), Mike Arnheim (Mini-McKenney 500-1000),

Clay Cuthbertson (Mini-McKenney 2500-3500) 


Missing from picture:  Steve Clements (Mini-McKenney 200-300), Randy Baker (Mini-McKenney 1000-1500), Allyson Wolfe (Mini-McKenney 1500-2500),

Sue Perez (Mini-McKenney 5000-7500), Ron Ashbacher (Mini McKenney over 10,000)


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