Meeting Minutes for January 8, 2014 

ACBL Unit 143 Board of Directors


Meeting was called to order by President Romero


Attendees: Debbie Romero, Pres.; George Hawley, VP; Linda Seibert, Secy.; Mary Dolan, Bob Griffin; JoAnn Moore;  Jay Shah; Helene Siegfried

Absentees: Lee Hastings, Jeff Kopolow, Jennifer Luner, Peggy Wald


President Romero called the meeting to order.


February Minutes were approved for posting.

Corresponding Secretary’s report was accepted. 



Tournament reports:  The ad for August Regional to appear in ACBL Bridge Bulletin has been finalized. Regional flyers have also been finalized. An error in original publicity for May Sectional (info on FS KO wasn’t deleted) was corrected and reprints done.  Bruce Greenwald will hold a free lesson and game for newcomers with 0-20 points prior to the beginning of Regional Tournament on Monday. Point awards will be reduced because relaxed rules will be used. There will be no table sanction fees. Some details are yet to be worked out because Tournament Director will not arrive until noon or later with supplies and scoring system. Parking validation cards need to be obtained and distributed.  Phyllis Siegel has volunteered to assist with this game.  Coffee will be available during morning lesson and game; pastries in a.m. only.


OLD BUSINESS: B Griffin noted that the Discipline Form has been modified to reflect recent changes in the committee. It is available online; He will distribute some hard copies to directors.


NEW BUSINESS:  Olivette Room Rental for 2014 contract has been executed.  Scholarship applications for Youth Camp: One has been received to date. Metropolis Regional has been cancelled, so Crystal Lake will hold a full Regional.


199er Tournament: Beth Percich will be directing; coordination with STLBC needed with regard to entry purchase and food location.  Entries will be purchased at the front. 199er refreshments will be located away from the kitchen area to separate from treats for regular game that will also be held; D Romero wants the survey to include the question, “ If we decide to continue to hold a single day tournament, would you prefer Saturday or Sunday?”  If group prefers Sunday, conflicts concerning food, speakers, etc., would disappear. We could hold tournament on a Sunday on which STLBC has no game. B Griffin will compile information from survey onto spreadsheet.


Unit Games: Rescheduling Unit Game of March 4—it will not be rescheduled as the game at St Louis Bridge Center was scored as Unit Game and used the sanction.  It was a limited game, so points will not count toward Player of the Year. Unit Game on april 7 needs to be added to the list on the web. Usage stands at 139 tables.


Website:  ACBL recognizes 75%+ games in a section of the Bulletin. To qualify to report, the game must be open, totally unrestricted, at least 5 tables and a minimum of 20 boards played. To assist our players who qualify to have information about reporting, we need to add a statement or link under our 70% game information on website.


Membership: 12 new members were added this month.


Announcements: ACBL’s new Tourney Track System has a glitch regarding partnership email addresses.  If the Partnership email address should be different from the Partnership Chair’s personal email, an alternate address must be requested. J Shah reported that he has one carton of bid boxes that need to be checked. He will bring the carton to next Board Meeting and we will all work on the project after meeting.  J Shah will double-check the whereabouts of the left-hand bid boxes and be sure to have them at the next events.  Individual Plaques are being ordered for those winning the roaming POY trophy since its inception in 2009.

Next meeting will be April 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Seibert, Secretary


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