Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 at the Olivette Community Center. In attendance were the following Board members:

  • Mary Hruby
  • Bob Janis
  • Doug Moore
  • Tom Oppenheimer
  • Linda Powers
  • John Samsel
  • Patti Shine
  • Mic Weiss, presiding.

Also present was Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair.

The May Minutes were amended to omit Moore and Weiss in attendance and were approved.

I. Corresponding Secretary’s Report (distributed by Mic)

  1. The Unit database was updated as of June 1.
  2. Jack now has a copy of the “Handbook of Rules and Regulations” from ACBL.
  3. Sanction numbers for 2003 Unit games are available. Club owners should contact Jack.

II. Treasurer’s Report Discussion—no questions.

III. Tournaments

  1. Mike reported that the May Sectional was down slightly in attendance.
  2. Mike submitted the budget for the 2003 Regional.
  3. Weinhardt Rentals is raising their price for tables from $4 to $6 each. Mike solicited a bid from Sun Rentals for $6 for the 8 days of the Regional and $3 for the 3 days of the Sectionals—a difference of about $240. The Board approved the change of vendors.
  4. Mike and Cheryl met with Robbie Richardson, Sr. Event Delivery Mgr., at the Renaissance. All is moving ahead for a smooth Regional.
  5. The Board approved a price of $8 for all fulltime students for each Regional session of bridge.

IV. Old Business

  1. Website Upgrade—Mic reported for Jennifer that the committee had met to resolve questionsabout the planned Unit website and would report at the July meeting.
  2. Newcomer Game— Linda reported that she has received letters from two directors interested in managing a newcomer game. After discussion, the board voted to approve asking Donna Coker to be the director of the new game. The Board also approved a motion that Donna be reimbursed by Unit 143 for the cost of a postcard mailing to all local ACBL members with fewer than 49 master points.

V. New Business

  1. Doug reported that the Caddie Chair requested an increase of compensation to caddies up to $20 per session. Two Board members thought that this had already been discussed and approved at a prior meeting. Mary Hruby will research and give findings in July.
  2. Mic asked that Board members come in with suggested charities at the next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.



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