Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wed., September 10, 2003

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Cheryl Davis, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Don Kerry, Doug Moore, Tom Oppenheimer, John Samsel, and Mic Weiss, with Rod Van Wyk presiding. Also present were Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair.

The July Minutes were amended to read "$21/session" rather than day under VI. The minutes were approved as amended.

I.  Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

A. Player of the Year standings were updated with results from the SL Regional.

B. Mailing labels of eligible players were prepared for Mary for the 199er game.

C. Obituary notices for Marian McCutchen and Freda Carroll were sent to the ACBL.

II.  Treasurer's Report (Tom Oppenheimer)

A. The Balance Sheet reflects a high number because no hotel bill has been recorded.

B. Profit & Loss-Tom reported that we may just break even or be slightly negative for the year. There was a question about a $42.00 charge for Datebooks; Tom will check and report back next month.

C. General Ledger sheet shows checks written since July meeting. The $11.34 item should be changed to Sectional expense.

III. Tournaments/Events

A. Regional-Mike reported that the Unit will probably net $8200-$8300, down from the previous two years. The table count was 1486; there were few Pros, few traveling teams and none attending from out of the country. The Board discussed possible causes for the drop in attendance: the economy, tournaments in Green Bay and Omaha , etc. Cheryl will call Chris to get printouts and prepare breakdown of attendance. Hotel service and attitude was vastly improved except for some timing problems in the dining room. Mike will give dining room personnel a bridge schedule next year to allow for dinner rush. The Board discussed changing the times of the sessions, possibly to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to avoid driving problems for locals. Rod suggested looking at changing the point break for AX in Sunday Swiss Team. We will research both issues and discuss at a later date.

B. October Sectional-Mike will keep the same schedule. He has projected a loss of $621. Doug reminded him that the caddie fees have been increased. It was reported that Kansas City has switched their sectional to a 10 and 3 schedule. Mic asked for help in finding a new contact for food prep and serving on Saturday night; Laura has left the American Legion and is not interested. Mic is considering a cheese and sausage night.

C. Newcomers Game-Rod reported for Donna Coker that she has enrolled 21 new ACBL members, is averaging 11-14 tables per game, and that many newcomers played in the I/N at the Regional.

D. NAOP-Cheryl reported for Jennifer that the club owners held 9 qualifying games and had sent in their results quickly. 200 Unit members qualified. Jennifer will be mailing postcards to notify those eligible for the NAOP event in Bloomington , IL on Nov. 8-9.

IV. Committees

A. Club Liaison-Mary reported that the Datebooks are at the printer. She negotiated a discount and also received a discount for the 199er materials. She has received labels for more than 500 names of members eligible (some incorrect) and will send postcards. Mary will ask Jack if it is possible to receive our update from ACBL right after the Regional instead of in December.

B. Nominating-Rod reported that one previously-slated candidate had declined to run for the Board just before the Regional and that no other willing candidates could be found. As Suzy Shymanski-Moore was planning to run for election, she was asked to fill the slot. Cheryl expressed discomfort with the Chair of the Nominating Committee's wife being on the slate. There was a discussion about the lack of willing candidates and the image of the Board. Rod said he would initiate a review of the bylaws, in particular the nominating process, before next Spring.

C. Website-Cheryl reported for Jennifer that Phase I is on track to be finished before Sept. 30. There have been many kudos and requests for more. Highlights: Regional results were up quickly; maps to club games are being produced; there will be a "Sunshine Corner" to list illnesses, deaths, etc.; Board profiles and bylaws will be on the site; and before October 1 the committee will have the ACBL score site available for club directors to post game results. Tom asked about the possibility of linking the site to a tournament schedule for the Midwest and Nationals.

V. New Business

A. A motion was approved to update the Membership Directory; Cheryl will oversee it with Board members making phone calls to verify the information.

B. A motion was approved 5-3 for the Unit to pay the extra fees for members in the Oct. 27-Nov. 2 STaC games. Mary will contact the club owners; John will prepare a flyer and Rod will announce at the Sectional.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

                  Cheryl Davis

                  Recording Secretary


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