Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 8, 2003

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Cheryl Davis, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, and Tom Oppenheimer, with Rod Van Wyk presiding. Also present was Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair.

The September Minutes were approved as written.

I. Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

Jack has ordered an update of the unit database from ACBL for future mailings.

An obituary notice for Mary Ann Arnold was sent to the ACBL.

II.  Treasurer's Report (Tom Oppenheimer)

  1. The P & L shows a net loss of $5,945.09 for the year. This figure includes three new projects which the Board authorized this year-paying the extra fees at the November '02 STAC games, subsidizing a weekly Novice game and establishing a unit website. Total assets stand at $46,334.35.
  2. Tom will prepare a P&L and a Balance Sheet for the Annual Meeting in October. He will prepare a 2004 budget for our next meeting.
  3. Tom asked for the reactivation of the Audit Committee (Rich Haacke & Joe Erlanger) to ensure that adequate controls are in place.

III. Tournaments/Events

  1. Regional-Mike reported that the unit only netted $6,410 this year. We needed four more rooms to meet the hotel minimum. Also the AV charges were up for the KC Challenge. We discussed marketing ideas: promoting rooms to locals, advertising the event as a perfect schedule for traveling teams, etc. Mike will ask Chris for the names and addresses of the Pros so we can survey them by phone or mail.
  2. Schedule for tournaments-More research is needed before making any changes.
  3. Annual Meeting-We reviewed items for the agenda.

IV.  Committees

  1. Club Liaison-Mary distributed the new Datebooks. Donna Coker and Mary even managed to get Donna's game changes into the book.
  2. Membership-Bob Janis is completing all forms on schedule to get the maximum fees from the ACBL.
  3. Website-Jennifer reported that the committee has had training to learn the Contribute software to add content as needed. The masthead with dropdowns is not done yet. A Directory will be entered online only if we can safeguard access through passwords.
  4. Directory-Cheryl reported that Jack is converting the most recent ACBL data to Excel for her. There was a discussion about the number of directories to print.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

                     Cheryl Davis


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