Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Sandy Becker, Cheryl Davis, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis , Bill Kauffman, Don Kerry , Jennifer Luner, Tom Oppenheimer , and John Samsel, with Rod Van Wyk presiding.

The January Minutes were corrected to include Sandy Becker in attendance and approved.

I.  Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

A.  The ACBL emailed sanctions for 2004 Unit games January 12. Club directors should contact Jack for a sanction number if holding a unit game.

B.  A report for the ACBL listing the board's officers and members and responsibilities was completed Feb. 10 th .

II.   Treasurer's Report

A.   Tom passed around a copy of the bank statement as requested.

B.   Tom reviewed the P & L, which shows a loss of $3,342, the Balance Sheet and the General Ledger.

C.   Tom was able to order new checks at a price far lower than previously anticipated.

III.   Tournaments/Events

A.  January Sectional:

1.  Finances: Mike reported that we lost just under $1,000. We were able to save money as two of the directors (Kettermans) are married and drove together rather than flying. Mike is still working on the director situation for the future. We will decide after the August Regional if it will be necessary to raise fees at next year's sectionals.

2.  Emergencies: There is currently no way to reach someone at St. Charles if there is a problem. Tom will investigate having the bridge business number forwarded for special events.

3.   Restrooms: the hygiene situation was much improved.

4.   Complaint about smoking: There was one letter of complaint about smokers not following the rules to smoke outside despite the directors having made many announcements. There was a suggestion to post "No Smoking" signs and to investigate rooms in the lower level for a smoking area.

B.  March 199er:

1. Mary reported that she has purchased 12 new card tables.

2. Flyers and postcards are out and she has already received reservations for 20 tables. The room will hold 31. Debbie Ettel will assist Mary.

C. Tournament conflicts:

 1. There was an overlap between STAC and Saluki Swiss and Springfield and Robinson were scheduled on the same weekend.

2. The District board tries for no conflicts but ACBL sanctions the tournaments and refuses to take an active role in spreading them out.

IV.   Committee Reports

A.   PR: John questioned the use of postcards mailed vs. flyers handed out as the mailing costs are so high. The Board felt the postcards were worth the expense.

B   Website: Jennifer asked for Board members to help submit news in a timely fashion. There was a discussion about Grand National registration via the web.

C.   Pro-Am for 0-49ers: Sandy has gathered some Life Masters willing to participate. He suggests playing together twice in two months and then having an event.

D.  Directory: A motion to distribute the directory free was defeated. Mary and Sandy will get copies to the directors for sale. Bob Janis will still send copies free to new members.

V.   New Business

A.  Naming events at Regional: The Board discussed the need to develop a policy, especially to differentiate between member and business ads.

B.  Newcomer Game: A motion to raise the point range from 0-49 to 0-99 was defeated. The Board commended Donna Coker for her success to date.

C.  Board Elections: There was a discussion about making changes in the process. It was pointed out that according to B(3) we are supposed to publicize the names of the nominees. It was agreed that we need more publicity about the whole issue. Bill Kauffman will prepare a piece. Rod will ask Jack if he has a list of the Unit 143 honorary members.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Davis   


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