Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wed., May 12, 2004

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis , Bill Kauffman , Don Kerry , Jennifer Luner, Doug Moore, Tom Oppenheimer , and John Samsel, with Rod Van Wyk presiding. Mike Carmen also attended.

March Minutes were approved as written. There was no April meeting.

•  Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

•  Treasurer's Report

•  Tom reviewed the P & L. It is expected that we will continue to go further in the red until the Regional.

•  There are no major changes in the balance sheet. Rent is a pre-paid expense which is reduced after each tournament.

•  General ledger-Unit 143 is receiving its membership funds and monies for the 199er and co-op advertising. Donna's rent subsidy for 49er game ends after June 30.

III. Tournaments/Events

•  199er : Mary reported that a record number attended (31 tables in afternoon and 24 in evening) for a net of $147. The profit would have been closer to $500 except for the one-time expense of 12 card tables ($315.86). The Board commended Mary Hruby and the directors Mark Ehret and Donna Coker and voted to award Debby Ettel two free plays in May for her volunteer time. Rod will write a thank you note to the director in Springfield , IL who brings a group of her students.

•  May Sectional : Mike reported that room rates are up due to Lewis & Clark weekend activities so director expenses are up. Calls to our unit phone will be forwarded to Sandy Becker's phone for emergencies during tournament. The cell phone number was published on the postcards. John printed addressed postcards from his computer; NJC is the least expensive bid so far.

•  Regional : Mike Carmen will meet with the hotel soon and present the budget in June.

•  There was a discussion about changing how we stratify but ads are already out and posted on the website. The proposed change is to slot teams by average number of points per player vs. player with highest number of points.

•  We will retain awarding free books for section tops.

•  There was a discussion about incentives for Unit 143 and 223 players to stay at the hotel. A motion passed to give out free plays for a club game of one's choice. [Editor's Note--provision for giving free club pays for those who stay at the hotel was rescinded at the June Meeting and another incentive substituted.]

•  Pro-Am : Sandy asked for $25 for trophies. The motion passed.

•  St. Louis KOs : Jennifer reported that letters/postcards/flyers have been sent to Unit 143 and 223 directors/club owners and to all Unit 143 and nearby Unit 223 players. Kansas City will pick their teams in July, using the same master point brackets as St. Louis . The event will be held at Garden Villas West June 26-27.

•  NAOP : Jennifer has transitioned this project to Sandy . Changes include a lower sanction fee of $4/table, a requirement that ACBL dues be current, and qualifying slips. A letter will go to all club owners with the changes and conditions of the contest, asking them to set dates for qualifying games June thru Aug. Sandy will then send flyers out to club owners to help publicize the scheduled games.

•  Old Business

•  Rod distributed two articles now appearing on the website: "Board of Directors" and "Election Process." Copies will be available at the May tournament and at club games.

•  Sandy reported that our club owners are not interested in the August special STAC for charity so we will not pursue.

•  New Business

•  National Board of Governors: Anyone interested in running should contact Memphis (see Tom).

•  Insurance Carrier: When our current policy expires, we will go with the carrier recommended by ACBL.

•  Rolla Players: Some want to move from the Kansas City unit to Unit 143. The District 8 president is involved and will keep us informed of the members' plans.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

                  Cheryl Davis/Jennifer Luner

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