Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wed., July 14, 2004

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Sandy Becker, Cheryl Davis, Mary Hruby , Bob Janis , Bill Kauffman , Tom Oppenheimer , and John Samsel, with Rod Van Wyk presiding. Also present were Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair.

The June Minutes were approved as written.

•  Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

•  2004 Player of Year standings were updated.

•  Three files of Unit 143 members, other players who have attended tournaments in past, and club directors in District 8 were emailed to John Samsel for use in printing Regional postcards.

•  Nominating Committee Report

•  2004 committee members were Bill Kauffman , Nell Schneider and Helen Stolar with Cheryl Davis as chair.

•  The Unit Board has five slots. Don Kerry has completed 3 consecutive terms, Cheryl Davis and Doug Moore have completed one 3-year term, Mary Hruby has completed two 3-year terms, and Rod would like to step down at the end of his term as President.

•  Cheryl presented the slate: Jane Ettelson, Mary Hruby , Donna Pedrotti , Sasanka Ramanadham , and Don Weber. She is gathering bio information on each. A motion to accept the slate was approved.

•  The committee would like to recommend that no club director be nominated to the Board going forward but rather that one local director be named Club Liaison and sit on the Board as an ex-officio non-voting member. This may require an amendment to the bylaws.

•  Treasurer's Report

  1. Tom reported that we continue to show a loss of more than $8,000 to date which we hope to make up at the Regional.
  2. There have been many prepaid expenses for the Regional, including two ads at $900 each.

IV.   Tournaments

•  Regional-

•  Logistics--Mike Carmen reported that room reservations are only slightly ahead of last year's pace. Robbie Richardson is no longer the Events Manager so Mike and Cheryl had to meet with her replacement, Suzanne Reese.

•  Charity Games-The charity recipient is to be decided at the September meeting.

•  St. Louis/Kansas City K.O.s -(Rod reported for Jennifer)

•  Twenty teams competed the last weekend in June: four A, six B, and 10 C. •  Jennifer proposes adding a new flight-AX. The board authorized her to investigate the subject with K.C. and report back. •  The Board commended Jennifer for sharing an entire weekend supervising the tournament.

•  NAOP- Sandy reported that there are 24 dates scheduled for qualifying. A calendar will be distributed.

•  Old Business

•  Newcomer Program-

•  Mentoring Follow-up: Sandy reported that there were 17 tables at the tournament June 2. Some mentors are continuing to play with novices. Many novices are playing in the regular duplicate games now. Sandy recommended that a Pro-Am type event be considered annually.

•  Claudia Beaty submitted a plan for a new 0-49 game (see handout). A maximum amount of $200 for mailing of postcards was approved. A motion to accept Claudia's proposal at the rental rate of $32.50/week at Bridgehaven was approved.

•  Education- Sandy reported that we need more teachers listed on the Unit website. Rod suggested that we consider advertising in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch after we have established a more complete teacher registry or education program. Under the cooperative advertising policy of the ACBL, we would receive reimbursement for most of the cost.

•  New Business

•  Sue Rechter has agreed to become the Advocate Editor when Julie Behrens steps down after the St. Louis Regional. •  The board voted unanimously to name Glenn Smith as an Honorary Board member. •  ACBL would like the Chair for the 2007 National in St. Louis to be named now. Rod will discuss with potential candidates prior to the September meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

                  Cheryl Davis

                  Recording Secretary

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