Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Wed., September 8, 2004

A meeting of the Unit 143 Board was held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 at the Olivette Community Center . In attendance were Board members Sandy Becker, Cheryl Davis, Mary Hruby , Bob Janis , Bill Kauffman , Doug Moore, Tom Oppenheimer , John Samsel, and Suzi Shymanski with Rod Van Wyk presiding. Also present was Mike Carmen , Tournament Chair.

The July Minutes were approved as written

•  Corresponding Secretary's Report (distributed by Rod)

•  Player of the Year standings were updated with results from the SL Regional.

•  Obituary notices for Ruth Freedman and Wilma Thomas were mailed to ACBL.

•  Treasurer's Report ( Tom Oppenheimer )

  1. The Balance Sheet showed a loss of $9,000 going into the July meeting. The success of the Regional should provide a positive balance of @$15,000 at the end of the fiscal year.
  2. Tom will look into buying a CD.

III. Tournaments/Events

•  2004 Regional

•  Mike reported that we were up 235 tables from 2003, 100 more than he had estimated. He has the invoices and will review them carefully. We supposedly fell short of the Sunday food commitment by $30-40; he is recommending a change in the hotel accounting system for next year. There were comments about the short length of time that the lunch counter was open. Over all, the comments about the hotel were very positive, especially on the renovations.

•  The Board briefly reviewed the attendance stats generated by Cheryl.

•  By unanimous consent, the Board commended Mike and all other volunteers for an outstanding job.

•  2005 Regional

•  Jennifer has contacted K.C. about adding an AX level to the Braggin' Rights event.

•  Chris Patrias has requested that we review the stratification for C (now 0-500 non-Life Master). A motion to change the stratification was defeated.

•  Cheryl suggested that we review the schedule and add K-Os as many cities have done and players are requesting. A motion to establish a Scheduling Committee headed by John Samsel to report back in October was passed. Other members will include Cheryl, Bill, and Mike.

•  Cheryl said that she had received one complaint about the seeding process and a suggestion that locals do it rather than the directors. Mike will check into for next year.

•  October Sectional-It would appear that the success of the Regional has made the raising of fees unnecessary. A motion to table the issue until a future time passed.

•  Mike is looking into the possible purchase of 200 card tables from ACBL for tournaments in place of renting them. Suzi will check with Sysco for their prices. Then Tom will run a cost analysis on the purchase, storing and transport of 200 tables.

•  NAOP- Sandy is sending out @200 postcards to those who qualified.

•  Old Business

•  Nominating

•  Cheryl reported that, as indicated in special Executive Committee minutes issued in early August, there had been a change in the slate approved at the July Board meeting. In place of Jane Ettelson, who changed her mind, the committee has asked Bob Wheeler to serve. He will complete the two years remaining on Rod's term. The others are each nominated for three years.

•  Cheryl has distributed to all club directors a special flyer with photos and bios of the Board slate to enhance communication from the Board about the nominating process and increase inclusiveness.

•  At its meeting the Nominating Committee had also come up with two suggestions:

•  That a Club Director sit on the Board in an ex-officio capacity as Club Liaison. Instead the Board recommended that the president send the meeting agenda to the directors one month ahead of time so they have time to make additions or plans to attend a specific meeting.

•  That the president hold an orientation for new members before their first meeting to fill them in on the past few years' primary Board actions. Rod agreed to do this.

•  2007 St. Louis National-Glenn Smith and Mike Carmen will chair this event. They were selected for their experience and stature in the bridge community.

•  New Business

•  Date Books-Mary met with the club directors about dates and the book should be at the printer very soon. •  STaC Games--A motion for the Unit to pay the extra fees for ACBL members in the Nov. 1-7 STaC games was approved. •  Bidding Box Manager-Doug announced his retirement and asked that a new volunteer be found.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

                  Respectfully Submitted,

                   Cheryl Davis

                  Recording Secretary


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