The Unit 143 Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance: Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Bill Kauffman, Jennifer Luner, Suzi Moore, Tom Oppenheimer, John Samsel, Sasanka Ramanadham, Bob Wheeler. Absent: Donna Pedrotti and Don Weber. Also in attendance: Mike Carmen. Rod Van Wyck presiding and welcoming new members.

Motion to approve September 2004 Minutes by Sandy Becker, second by Suzi Moore. Approved.

First order of business was to elect new Board Officers for 2005.

President -   Jennifer Luner nominated by Mary Hruby, second by Tom Oppenheimer. No other nominations. Nominations closed. Approved. Vice President -   Mary Hruby nominated by Jennifer Luner, second by Suzi Moore. No other nominations. Nominations closed. Approved. Treasurer -   Tom Oppenheimer nominated by Mary Hruby, second by Sandy Becker. No other nominations. Nominations closed. Approved.

Recording Secretary -   Suzi Moore nominated by Tom Oppenheimer, second by Bob Janis. No other nominations. Nominations closed. Approved.

A round of applause was given to Rod Van Wyck for his outstanding job as President of Unit 143 the past two years. He turned the meeting over to new President Jennifer Luner.

Secretary's Report for two months submitted earlier by Rod Van Wyck for Jack Bryant. Approved.

Treasurer's Report - Tom advised that Bank Check signing signatures would be changed to reflect new officers. Report reviewed by all and approved. Tom advised he has Flight "A" and Flight "B" trophies for the St. Louis/Kansas City Knockouts. No one knows the whereabouts of Flight "C". (Have since learned it is in KC). Jennifer will have new Awards person check as new name plates have to be added. Tom will have a new budget to present to the board at the January meeting. Any new or unusual expenses for the coming year should be reported to Tom as soon as possible.

Tournaments - St. Louis Regional was profitable. We made about $18,000. October Sectional showed a loss of about $200 more than expected. A budget for January 2005 Sectional was submitted to the board. Motion to approve by Suzi Moore, second by Sasanka Ramanadham. Approved. Mike questioned the 'charity' in the St. Louis Regional. Jennifer to check with ACBL and advise Tom so payment can be made (Alzheimer's) .

Mike Carmen gave a report on card tables "buy vs. rent". Rental tables are barely usable. At least 15 more than needed have to be ordered, as some are completely unusable. Table needs are 80 for sectional, 200 for regional. The unit spends about $2,000 per year on rental. New tables would cost about $4,000. Storage and transportation to playing area is the main question to be resolved. Storage and transportation cost could be equal to rental fees; however, we would have excellent tables. Mike will check with Sun Rental regarding the cost of storage and transportation and report the findings to the board.

St. Louis Regional Schedule of Events Committee - John Samsel acting as spokesperson reported they have a proposed schedule to be presented to the board at the December meeting.

Mary Hruby reported everything was on schedule for the upcoming 199er tournament. Mary also reported she had about 20 or more 'cups" that were section top awards for the 1998 St. Louis Regional. Disposal of the cups was left up to her discretion. She will advise board in December the fate of the cups.

New responsibilities for 2005 are as follows:

Hospitality -   Suzi Moore. Suzi will be responsible for 3 sectionals and 1 regional. The board agreed it should be administered by one person. Suzi will recruit a volunteer if needed.

Bidding Boxes -   Bob Wheeler

Caddies -   Suzi Moore

Partnership -   Mary Hruby

199er Tournament -   Mary Hruby with volunteers

Date Book -   Mary Hruby and Don Weber

Club Liaison -   Donna Pedrotti

Awards -   Donna Pedrotti

Education -   Sandy Becker and Don Weber

NAOP -   Sandy Becker and Bob Wheeler

Publicity -   John Samsel

Website -   Bill Kauffman and Jennifer Luner

Bragging Rites KO's -   Jennifer Luner & Sasanka Ramanadham

A motion was made by Tom Oppenheimer for the Unit to pay extra cost for all STaC games in 2005, second by Mary Hruby. Motion approved.

Motion to adjourn by Mary Hruby, second by Sandy Becker. APPROVED!


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