DECEMBER 2004 Minutes


Unit 143 Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:00 . In attendance: Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Bill Kauffman, Tom Oppenheimer, Donna Pedrotti, John Samsel, Sasanka Ramanadham , Don Weber, Bob Wheeler,. Absent: Suzi Moore

Also in attendance Mike Carmen. Jennifer Luner presiding.

Minutes from Nov. meeting were reviewed and approved.

Secretary report, submitted by Jack Bryant, was reviewed and approved by all.

Treasure's report reviewed and approved. Tom submitted budget figures for 2005. Motion to approve by Sandy Becker, John Samsel seconded. Budget was approved.

Mary gave report on 199er tournament held in November , A total of 41 tables. Attendance was down as we had fewer pairs from out of state. We cleared about 140.00 Debbie Ettel helped during the first session and Ronda O'Farrell worked for both sessions. Many thanks to both.

NAOP -- no report

John Samsel reported on the 05 regional schedules. Mike and John explained the changes proposed. Basically, more KO's Motion to approve by Tom Oppenheimer, second by Bob Janis. Approved. Changes in stratification, recommended by Chris Patrais are as follows: 0-500 flt C , 500 -2000 flt. "B" and over 2000 flt "A". Each stratification was discussed. Motion to approve flight "C" (0-500 was approved for sectionals and regionals. All other flights would remain the same-"B" 500-1500, "A" 1500 and up.

New roster was checked and changes made where necessary.

Donna Pedrotti will have individual STL/KC/KO trophies ready for distribution to winners at Jan. sectional.

Discussion on Educational programs- will be continued next month.

Bob Janis reported on Membership. There is a discrepancy on membership numbers-from the database supplied by Jack Bryant (1063) vs. ACBL report (sent monthly) 949. Bob feels part of this is because of transfers out during winter months. Also, perhaps non-dues paying members are not included.

Bill Kauffman is now the chairperson for the Website. Sasanka will assist with website feature," Ask the Experts"

Card tables. Rent vs. buy will be further discussed in January as not enough information was in yet.

Reviewed meeting dates for 2005

Focus 2005 will continue in January.

New Business:

Mary Hruby requested and received information on St Charles Convention Center and Embassy Suites Hotel for a possible playing sight for regional. Space was adequate but cost could be an issue. Jennifer was given all Literature to review.

Motion to adjourn by Sandy Becker-seconded by John Samsel Approved

All off for Holiday Party

Mary Hruby/Suzi Moore


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