Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2005 Minutes

Jennifer Luner, President, called meeting to order at 7:00. Those in attendance were: Suzi Moore, Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Bill Kauffman, Jennifer Lunar, Tom Oppenheimer, Donna Pedrotti, John Samsel, Don Weber, Bob Wheeler and Sasanka Ramanadham.

Motion was made to approve December 2004 minutes. Discussion followed. It was noted that there were some errors (spelling and incorrect strata ranges) Suzi said those would be corrected. Motion was then seconded by Mary Hruby and passed.

Secretary report was reviewed and approved.

Treasurer Report: Tom Oppenheimer reported our return has been filed. We will not be paying taxes. Discussion as to why we could not change our fiscal year start date. Tom Oppenheimer and Sandy Becker are going to look into it and report next month.

Tournament/Events: A. January Sectional was all set. Doug Moore asked if we could have a donation for the surnami victims at the sectional, and if the unit would match what we collected. Discussion followed. Motion to approve it was made- there was a tie vote (4to 4). Jennifer Lunar, President, cast the tiebreaker vote. She approved it but with a cap of $500.00 for matched funds from the Unit.

  1. NAOP- Sandy Becker still has nothing to report. Will have it for next month.


  1. Awards: Donna Pedrotti has gotten the Bragging Rights trophies. Cost a little more this year but we replaced the plates. Flight B and C should be good for a few more years. Kansas City to pay half of bill ($300.00). Sectional and regional trophies have been bought.
  2. Education: Don Weber reported that he contacted the ACBL Educational site. We are looking into having a Growth Unit Seminar (offered to board members, directors, and club directors). Don is going to report next meeting what dates are available. Sandy Becker is going to meet with Chris Shaw at our sectional. Chris is District 8 liaison for education and growth. We want to find out if others in our District would be interested.

•  Membership: Bob Janis not in attendance; therefore no report.

•  Website: Bill Kauffman reported that some of the directors are up- posting game results on the website. He still has not heard from Andy on the Directory. We are holding back paying the $1000.00 still owed. Bill and Sasanka are offering their services to the directors to get them up and running.

Old Business:

•  Buy vs. Rent tables. Mike Carmen was not there to report. We are closing this discussion until there is more information.

•  Agreement on Focus 2005. We will continue to use the same criteria we developed last year. Main focus is to increase the population.

•  Brainstorming: Sandy Becker proposed to have another mentoring program. Maybe this time we would have a buffet the night of the tournament and we would give out hand records. Mary Hruby has a whole box of hands with records. This program was approved and we will have a sign up list at the sectional for those Life Masters who would be interested in mentoring.

•  ABA: It was suggested that we look into having a joint game with the ABA. Sandy to look into this.

•  Social Events: extra sanctions. It was suggested that we have a night of Champions. There would be a dinner (provided by the Unit) and a game. Anyone who placed first in a club game could attend. We figured it would really be open to all. Sub Committee to develop this idea- Bill Kauffman, John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti and Suzi Moore.

Motion to adjourn by Sandy Becker, seconded by Suzi Moore. Motion was approved.

Suzi Shymanski Moore


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