Minutes Unit 143

Unit 143 Board Meeting

March 8, 2005

Jennifer Luner, President, called unit 143 Board Meeting to order at 7:00. In attendance were Donna Pedrotti, Jennifer Luner, Bob Wheeler, Mary Hruby, Bill Kauffmann, Don Weber, John Samsel, Sasanka Ramanadham,and Suzi Moore . Also in attendance was Mike Carmen, Tournament Director. . Absent were Sandy Becker, Tom Oppenheimer, and Bob Janis.

Feb. minutes were reviewed and approved.

Secretary report was approved. It was noted that all club games would go up to $7.00, starting the 1 st of April.

Treasurer report was reviewed and approved. Tom Oppenheimer has requested that the amount be raised from $300 to $1000.00 for checks to be signed by two parties

Suzi Moore made motion to approve, Bill Kauffmann seconded the motion and all approved.


May Sectional Budget reviewed and approved.

199 Tournaments. Mary Hruby reported everything is ready for upcoming function. She currently has 49/50 pairs signed up. She has enough help during the set up and during the games, but she is requesting help, if possible, for breaking down.

St. Louis Knockouts. Kansas City has approved the addition of Flight AX. Qualifying games will be held at Garden Villa July 9 th and 10 th .

John Samsel brought up the cost of sending postcards to all members, announcing sectionals and regional. Postage is our biggest cost, running about $350 to $400 each event. He suggested only out of town and out of state would receive postcards. There would be additional flyers at all games announcing events. Also our website would announce all tournaments. A motion was made by Suzi Moore to approve this, Donna Pedrotti seconded it, and all approved it.


  1. Awards: Donna Pedrotti is looking into badges for cookie makers.
  2. Education: Don Weber announced that Donna Kompton has cancelled the May 15 th seminar. We are looking at Sept 18 th or Oct 2 nd as alternate dates.
  3. Membership: No report, Bob Janis was absent. It was discussed that the mentor program is in place. We have 34 novice-mentor pairs. The tournament games will be held in June. Hopefully, hand records will be made available to all.
  4. Mentor and novices are now beginning to play at club games.
  5. Website: Bill Kauffmann reported all is going well. Andy finally has responded and the counters will be turned on. Suzi Moore is to find out what hourly rate her son would charge for maintenance and infra structure changes.
  6. Club and Tournament Information: Sasanka Ramanadham is preparing a flyer updating the members what the website is accomplishing. He will send us a copy of his report and then will have fliers made and distributed at all games. He suggested that at the sectional ,screen shots of the website would be displayed on the walls.


•  Night of Champions: It was decided that we would look at June, July or August for a date to host this event. Blanchette Park was suggested as the location. Bill Kauffmann is to look into the cost of Blanchette and also the cost of dinner provided by the Lions Club. •  Naming Events at Regional: This topic was brought up again. Suzy Moore and Bill Kauffmann are going to look into what other Units are doing about this. Suzi is to check with the ACBL to find out if this is something we can do and what pricing perimeters there might be.

New Business:

•  Honoring players at Regional. Bill Kauffmann suggested that the board would establish awards that would be given out at our regionals, honoring members for achievements in bridge and for humanitarian and service achievements. Discussion followed and Suzi Moore moved to establish this program, Donna Pedrotti seconded and all approved. It was decided that Rodger Lord would be recognized on the Wed of the tournament for his bridge accomplishments, and Don Kerry, posthumously, would be awarded the humanitarian award, on Friday.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by John Samsel, Mary Hruby seconded, all approved.

The meeting was adjoined.

Suzi Moore


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