MAY 11, 2005

The meeting was called to order by Jennifer Luner at 7:00 pm.  In attendance were Donna Pedrotti, Suzi Moore, Mary Hruby, John Samsel, Tom Oppenheimer, Sasanka Ramanadham, Sandy Becker, Bob Wheeler, and Jennifer Luner.  Asbent were Don Weber, Bill Kauffman and Bob Janis.


T.V. Advertising bridge. Chuck Starovasnik presented a plan that would advertise club games on Charters Community Board.  Chuck is also planning on advertising during poker tournaments, and will offer bridge lessons.  Jennifer will review what will be placed on the public website.   To activate this advertising, Chuck needs a letter stating Unit 143 is a non-profit or a not for profit organization.  Chuck will also contact all club directors to see if they would like to be posted on the website.  It was decided we would proceed slowly and monitor everything that is posted on the bulletin board.

SECRETARY'S REPORT:  Tom received Jack Bryant's report.  It was noted that:
A) As of June 1st., the directory will be on-line.  Bill Kauffman and Milt Zlatic will continue to up date it.
B) John Samsel received a file of Unit 143 members with their e-mail addresses for sending tournament information.  Unfortunately it came in the wrong format.  He will get a corrected one.
Sandy Becker moved to approve the Secretary's report.  Second by Suzi Moore.  All approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT:  Tom Oppenheimer reported on finances for the year. We are $8,826.89, a minus figure.  If we have a good Regional Tournament, we should be in the black.  We are right on target.
Mary Hruby moved to approve, second by Donna Pedrotti, all approved.


A) Sasanka and Jennifer reported on the progress of the up-coming KO qualifying.  It was recommended and accepted that we will supply dinner on the Saturday night of the event.  Due to the limited number of eating establishments and the short amount of time, it was approved that we will serve Pizza and Salads.  Suzi Moore will order these, but will need an approximate count of bridge players.
B) Jennifer reported that the Renaissance contract for our August Regional had been extended through 2007.
C) Nationals.  Mike Carmen, Tournament Director, has been invited to present to the board at our July meeting a preview of what our responsibilities will be for the upcoming National's to be held here.  We will want to start getting committees developed and a plan of action put into motion.

EDUCATION: Unit growth seminar to be held at Garden Villa's Sept. 11. From (9:00am to 4:00pm.  Fee for the facility will be $50.00.  Seating for as many as needed will be available.  Continental breakfast will be provided, and a buffet lunch will also be offered.  Cost of lunch is $8.00 per person, and the Unit will pick up the cost.  Invitations will be sent to all Club Owners, Directors, Teachers, Georgia Heth and board members of Unit 143.  The surveys for this meeting were collected, and the Executive Board will meet the 2nd. Wed. of July at 6:00pm to compile them.

WEBSITE: Bill Kauffman was not present, but Jennifer reported on the status of the website directory.  Andy will do a limited amount on the formation; Milt and Andy will be our technical support team for the site.  We will also be running an ad on-line for any free help from our members.

NAOP: Sandy Becker reported that he is getting information to all directors.  Will need help on post cards.  Also would like to put our flyers.  Again the post card will be your ticket entry.  Cost will be $7.00.  Dates have not been set as yet. Sandy to find out from directors when they will have qualifying games.


Inappropriate behavior incident..  Jennifer reported that she gave Milt Zlatic the report.   Milt has forwarded it to Alan Popkin, disciplinarian for further action.

Night of Champions proposed.  Suzi Moore presented alternate proposal for this event.  She proposed we have it during the Sectional in October, between afternoon and evening game, on Friday.  We would have open discussion on afternoon's hand with a panel of experts.  There would be offered a dinner (cost per person of about $6.00 to $8.00)  Board would supply beverage and beer.  Afterwards, we would have awards ceremony.  Hopefully this will promote more players playing in Friday night. 
It was decided that a questionnaire would be handed out at our Sectional in May to see how our members feel about this.

ABA JOINT GAME: Jennifer reported that flyers would be given to all club owners advertising our joint game with ABA.

CHARITY:  Mary Hruby reported that she spoke to Jeannie Spears in Columbia and the $150.00 collected by their membership in memory of Dorothy Kane has been donated to the ACBL Educational Fund.  She was most appreciative of the help.  Mary also made reference to possibly having Columbia return to Unit 143.  She just suggested it as an option.

NATIONAL CHARITIES:  There are no longer National Charities.  Six Districts will receive money for charities from the ACBL on an annual basis to be donated by the Units in the district.  District 8 will be in 2007.

Mary Hruby made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned. Sandy Becker 2nd., all approved

Suzi Moore (typed by Mary Hruby)


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