July 2005


Jennifer Luner, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were: Donna Pedrotti, Jennifer Lunar, Don Weber, John Samsel, Sandy Becker, Suzi Moore, Tom Oppenheimer, Bob Wheeler, Mary Hruby and Bob Janis. Absent were Bill Kauffman, and Sasanka Ramanadham. Non-board members in attendance were Mike Carmen and Glen Smith.

June minutes were reviewed and approved


Jennifer Luner, President, read the secretary's report. Mary made a motion

to accept this report. Donna Pedrotti seconded. All approved.

Tom Opphenheimer read the Treasurer's report. Tom reported we are down by

$12, 653,80 for the year. By the time of the regional, we will be down by $15,000.00. Hopefully we will have a profitable regional. Don Weber moved that we accept this report. Sandy Becker seconded. All approved.


•  Spring 2007 Nationals . Mike Carmen, Tournament Director reported, with Glen Smith on progress of the Spring Nationals to be held here in 2007. He reported that committee heads were in the progress of being selected. Both Mike and Glenn are in contact with key players from Memphis- especially Nancy Foy who is the meeting planner for this National. Mike will keep us updated on the progress as we proceed.

•  May Sectional . Mike Carmen gave report on May sectional. It was again mentioned that we should look into raising our sectional fees to $10.00 per game. We will decide this after our August regional.

•  Old Business - Buying tables . Mike Carmen talked on the issue of tables. The conditions of the tables we are renting are horrible. There is only one place to rent them and they are not concerned about replacing tables as they go bad. We can purchase 200 tables through Memphis for $4898.00 plus tax and service fee. When not in use, they will be held at a drayage company. Mike gave us a breakdown of the cost and pro-rated it over 10 years. •  The board voted on and approved the purchase of these tables.

•  October Schedule for Sectional : John Samsel reported on the schedule for this October's sectional. Suzi Moore moved to accept this report. Donna Pedrotti seconded.

•  KO's : Jennifer reported that there were 27 teams in 5 brackets. A profit of $332.59 was made.


•  AWARDS : Donna reported on the cups and plates purchased for the Bragging Rights. Kansas City will pay half of this bill. Also, Don Kerry's plaque was ordered. It will be presented to Carol Kerry before Friday's evening session, at the August regional.

•  EDUCATION : Sandy reported on the Pro-Am game. There were 27 tables and everyone felt it was very successful.

•  NAOP : Sandy Becker gave all a copy of qualifying games for the NAOP. All is going well.

•  CLUB LIASION DATE BOOK : Mary Hruby is heading this. She reported there would be a Club Owners meeting August the 6 th . We will be going to press in mid September.

•  WEBSITE : Bill Kauffman was not present so there was no formal report. Discussion was held about the status of our website and the reasons for the crash. Also discussed were how we were going to fix the problem and prevent it from happening in the future. Software maintenance programs were discussed. We will talk further at our next meeting. In the meantime, Jack Bryant is going to prepare a “not for profit” letter for us.


NEW BUSINESS : Jennifer talked about the success of our joint game with the ABA. She has purchased an ad for the ABA's national, to be held here the first part of August. She is urging everyone to attend their national and that there will be a joint ACBL/ABA game on Wed., August the 3 rd .

Jennifer also spoke about the Growth Seminar. She took a count of those board members who would be attending. The questionnaire is being sent back and the final count must be given by September 1 st . Don is to check with those from out of town.

Donna Pedrotti made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mary Hruby seconded. All approved. The meeting was adjourned.


Suzi Moore



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