SEPTEMBER 14. 2005

President Jennifer Luner called meeting to order at 7:00pm. In attendance – Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Donna Pedrotti, John Samsel, and Bob Wheeler. Absent – Bill Kauffman, Suzi Moore, Tom Oppenheimer, Sasanka Ramanadham, and Don Weber. Also present Ed Hale and Daryl Fisher, both from Rolla, Mo. Ed Hale is the owner of two bridge games in Rolla, and has agreed to accept a position on the board as Out-State Director, upon approval by the existing Board (which occurred later in the meeting). Daryl Fisher, recently moved to Rolla from Louisiana, and is a Associate ACBL l Bridge Director; he attended as our guest.

Motion to approve July 2005 minutes by Bob Janis, second by Donna Pedrotti.

Secretary's Report presented by Jennifer Luner, prepared by Jack Bryant. Copies distributed. Jennifer read the report containing several duties performed by Jack. There were no questions.

Treasurer's Report – copies distributed.

Only a couple of minor questions, which will be answered by Tom when he returns. Discussion on how board members are to be reimbursed when Treasurer absent. Final decision is to call the Treasurer with the dollar amount and a check is to be mailed to Board member, with receipts given to Treasurer at the next meeting.

Tournaments – Mike Carmen absent but reported to Jennifer that August Regional was down 158 tables and our profit is approximately $8500.00. A mention of things heard from bridge players at the tournament. Too long between afternoon and evening sessions. Too many team games. What happened to the Saturday morning ‘Individual'? Restaurant Buffet was too high ($16.00). Some of the chairs were terrible. Tables were great. Stratified pairs were much smaller. It seems some people enjoy playing against the top players. (Most of them were in the KO's) Jennifer Luner attended the District 8 Meeting and found out that we can stratify Swiss games by master point average of the team. Same as KO's. More discussion in November to see if there is a need for future tournaments.

Jennifer made a motion we have signs made regarding the use of cell phones during a game (a team was penalized because of a cell phone ringing) and also a Zero Tolerance sign. Second by Donna Pedrotti. Approved. Sandy Becker is to research and draft signs to be presented at the November meeting.

Motion by Mary Hruby to increase table fee for Sectionals from $8.00 to $10.00. Second by Donna Pedrotti. Approved.

Suggestion by Suzi Moore, presented to board by Jennifer Luner, to have donation container at Sectional for Katrina victims with Unit 143 matching up to $500.00. Donations to go to the Salvation Army. Second by Bob Wheeler. Approved.

199er Tournament all on schedule. Mary to check on changing date of November 2007 tournament. This request by Memphis as they want to have their NAP on the second Saturday and the following Sunday of November.

After discussion, a motion was made by Sandy Becker that we amend prior approved motion to pay addition cost of the November 2005 STaC, to not pay the additional fee, as our August Regional was not as profitable as expected. Second by Bob Janis. Approved.

The November StaC games additional fee will not be paid by Unit 143; Donna Pedrotti will notify club owners.

Awards. Donna Pedrotti reported that Bragging Rights trophies were presented to KC; Jennifer will present Flight C at October sectional. Trophies for October Sectional and November 199er tournament are ordered.

Membership. Bob Janis reported there were 964 members as 9/1/05. Calls made as needed.

Education. Don Weber absent. Jennifer Luner reported. Donna Compton held a seminar regarding education. Very informative, lots of suggestions, with emphasis on absolute new players, with no knowledge of bridge. More discussion when more members present.

Jennifer reported there were not enough people interested in attending the TAP seminar at the August Regional. Board will do more communication with other District 8 units and more advertising before the Region in 2006.

Jennifer recognized Sheryl Finkenstadt for her help in getting our website with current content.

Jennifer to have Milt Zlatic contact Ed Hale with instructions on how to put the Rolla games on the website.

NAOP Sandy Becker reported 235 qualified for the November 12, 13, 2005 NAOP in Springfield, Il. He will send postcards to all Qualifiers.

Motion by Mary Hruby to accept Ed Hale as Out-State Director. Second by Sandy Becker. All approved.

Unit 143 Secretary position salary discussed, per by-laws. Tabled until November meeting when more members present.

Bob Janis reported that he contacted a gentleman who had called requesting information on Bridge. St. Charles is holding Golden Games in April 2006 and they want to include Bridge, but only Party Bridge – not Duplicate. We will get more information to advertise to our members.

Mary informed the board about phone calls from SBC. Our telephone bill has not been paid since February 2005. SBC left off the street address of our Treasurer. Mary gave them the correct address and said she would inform Tom Oppenheimer he would be getting a large bill.

Mary Hruby made a motion to adjourn. Second by Bob Janis. All approved.

Submitted by

Mary Hruby

for Suzi Shymanski


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