
Unit 143 Board Meeting

October 12, 2005

Jennifer Luner, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 (Cardinals in playoffs). Present were Sandy Becker, Ed Hale, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Donna Pedrotti, John Samsel, Suzi Moore, Don Weber, Sasanka Ramanadham, and Tom Oppenheimer. Absent was Bill Kauffman.

Revision of Sept Minutes

Sasanka was not listed as being absent from the September meeting. Daryl Fisher was listed as a National Bridge Director. His proper title is Associate ACBL Director. Motion to approve these changes was made by Donna Pedrotti and Seconded by Bob Janis.

Corresponding Secretary's Report was reviewed. No corrections were made.

Treasurer's Report

Tom Oppenheimer reviewed profit and loss sheet. Tom has received our tax form, which is due January 15. He will work with the next treasurer on it.

This is Tom's last meeting as Treasurer. He stated First Bank will need new signature cards. Also the bank location will probably be changed be the new treasurer.

Tom did reiterate that we want a check at our regional, not cash.

A Cardinal blanket was presented to Tom from the Board as a thank you for his 9 years of dedication and work.


Mike Carmen was not present so everything was put on hold concerning the regional and sectional reports.

John Samsel reported on the Nationals. With CD for $7,000 that was put aside after the last National, it was suggested that the Board vote for an additional $5,000 contribution from Unit 143, to help fund the up and coming national to be hosted by St. Louis. Suzi Moore made the motion to accept this. Don Weber seconded. All approved.

199'er Tournament

Mary Hruby reported that she would like to increase the cost of the tournament to $8.00 per game. Mary made motion to approve. Donna Pedrotti seconded it. We are looking to change the date of the 199ers from the same weekend as the NAOP.

Date books are ready. All Board members were given a copy. There are some errors in the book regarding STaC games. We will put revision notice out at the sectional.


Sandy Baker reported all is going well.

•  Awards: It was decided that we would provide nametags at the Sectionals. Suzi to get them for this sectional. Caddies will distribute them to each table. We will evaluate the success of them at our next meeting.

•  Membership: Bob Janis had nothing to report.

•  Education: Don Weber had nothing to report.

•  Website: Bill Kauffman not present.

Old Business

Zero tolerance and cell phone policy. We will just accept ACBL rulings.

Salary of Corresponding Secretary will be reviewed next month.

New Business

Jennifer presented the 2005-2006 meeting schedule.

Mary Hruby made a motion to adjourn. All seconded. Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Suzi Shymanski

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