
Unit 143 Board Meeting

November 9, 2005

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00. Present were Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Sasanka Ramanadham, Don Weber, and Bob Wheeler. Also present Mike Carmen and Glenn Smith. Absent were Sandy Becker, William Kaufman, Suzi Moore, Ed Hale, and Mark Ludwig.

September Minutes

Moved by Mary Hruby, second by Donna Pedrotti to accept the October 12 minutes with typo corrections. Approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report was reviewed. Jennifer Luner advised that the board needed to approve the Corresponding Secretary's salary at least once per year. Donna Pedrotti moved, Sasanka Ramanadham seconded that the current salary be continued through the fiscal year ending 10/31/06. Approved.

Treasurer's Report

Income from the October Sectional was good. Through the first month of the fiscal year we show a loss of $137.11.

The CD (value $7,506.28) earmarked for the National renews 11/13/05. We may need these funds in less than a year. It was agreed to allow the CD to renew for another year. If funds are needed sooner they can be taken from other resources.

The company that provides our Directors and Officers Insurance will not renew without our financial statement. The Board agreed to provide this statement since it is a public record anyway.


•  October Sectional

The Sectional was very successful. Tables were up slightly. A net profit of $609 was achieved (unusual for a Sectional). The I/N events were very successful. $175 was collected for the Salvation Army. The Unit will match this. We did not receive the $500 needed to get a match from the anonymous donor.

John Samsel suggested that if the Sectionals are making money, these funds should be earmarked to assist members. Tabled until next meeting.

The name tags were well received.

•  August Regional

We did not do as well as hoped for. There was a major drop in tables. There were 4 other Regionals at the same time (closest Grand Rapids). Glenn Smith suggested that we try to develop a "non-compete agreement" with neighboring regions. Mike Carmen will contact Georgia Heth to try to get something started.

•  National

A handout was distributed on committees. There are still some open chairs.

Two versions of a logo were presented. One is for ads; the other for affixing to apparel, etc.

There is still a need for a letterhead.

Glenn Smith indicated he would still like to find a major sponser.

•  Other

Events and hospitality for the January Sectional will be the same as October.

Jennifer Luner requested that Mike Carmen try to get approval from Chris Patrias for Donna Coker to direct in I/N events. Donna would work as a contract employee of Unit 143.

The 199'er tournament will be this Saturday. Mary Hruby has purchased 3 sets of novice hand records and analysis. 58 pairs have already signed up so things look good. Mary is trying to get approval from the ACBL to hold the event on September 30 next year so that it does not conflict with the NAOP.

The NAOP is this coming weekend.

Board members were requested to stay after Sectionals to help clean up.

•  Election of Officers (new in bold)

President     -   Jennifer Luner

Vice President     -   Mary Hruby

Recording Secretary   -   Suzi Moore

Treasurer     -    Bob Janis

•  Committee Assignments (new in bold )

Date book     -   Mary Hruby

Directory     -   not assigned

NAOP, GNT     -   Sandy Becker

Knockouts     -   Sasanka Ramanadham

Club Liason     -   Donna Pedrotti

Caddies, Hospitality   -   Suzi Moore

Partnerships     -   Mary Hruby

Photographs     -    Mark Ludwig

Seeding     -   Tom Oppenheimer

Supplies     -   Bob Wheeler

Trophies, awards   -   Donna Pedrotti

Education     -    Mark Ludwig

I/N Coordinator   -    Mary Hruby

Membership     -    Don Weber

•  Committee Reports and Other

Bill Kaufmann has asked to resign from the Board due to illness. Motion by Bob Janis, second by Mary Hruby to accept resignation. Approved.

Mary Hruby indicated that she would be willing to hold true beginner classes in her home. Board approved her to do so, not sponsored by Unit, no conflict.

Awards for the 199'er tournament have been purchased.

Membership (Bob Janis) reported a net loss of 2 members for the month.

The Website needs a new server as of 1/1/06. Milt Zlatic has found one for $7 per month. We also need to purchase Dreamweaver software for $400. Jennifer Luner moved to approve the purchase, Bob Janis seconded. Approved. Milt will coordinate.

We owe Andy Finkenstadt something for his website work. Jennifer will have a specific proposal next month.

Budget needs should be given to Bob Janis pronto.

We need a replacement for Sue Rechter as reporter for the Advocate. Jennifer is looking for a replacement.

Motion by Mary Hruby, second by Sasanka Ramanadham to adjourn. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Submitted by Don Weber

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