
Unit 143 Board Meeting

December 14, 2005

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00. Present were Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Sasanka Ramanadham, Don Weber, Sandy Becker Ed Hale, Suzi Shymanski-Moore and Bob Wheeler. Also present Mike Carmen. Absent was Mark Ludwig.

November Minutes

Donna Pedrotti's committee assignment renamed Club Liaison. Moved by Donna Pedrotti, second by Sandy Becker to accept the November 9 minutes with this correction. Approved.

Recording Secretary

Suzi-Shymanski-Moore declined another term as Recording Secretary. The Board approved Don Weber as her replacement.

Resignation of Bill Kaufman

Based on a survey of members a recommendation was made to add Sheryl Finkenstadt to the Board to replace Bill Kaufman whose resignation was accepted last month. Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Sasanka Ramanadham to accept the recommendation. Approved. Following the vote Sheryl joined the present members.

Corresponding Secretary's Report was reviewed.

Treasurer's Report

Our income tax form was filed for the fiscal year ending 9/30/2005.

For the 2 months thru November we have a net profit of $175.15. However, there are significant bills to be paid in December, which will put us in the red. It is anticipated that our checking balance will be about $8k after December.

A Profit and Loss forecast for the FY ending 9/30/06 was handed out. As presented it showed a net income of $3,690. The Board recommended the following changes: the expense entry of $500 for Novice Game should be changed to $250 for Mentoring; add $300 income from the July knockouts; add $2,500 as seed expense for the national. It was noted that the CD that will be cashed for the national was not included as an expense. A revised P&L will be submitted next month.

Insurance was renewed without any problem. Note that 15 rather than 12 months were paid for to convert to a calendar year.

Motion by Mary Hruby, second by Sandy Becker to approve the Treasurer's Report. Approved.


•  October Sectional

Approximately $900 in bills is still unpaid.

•  Charity Funds

There are about $910 in funds earmarked for charities still undisbursed. After considerable discussion Sandy Becker moved and Suzi Shymanski-Moore seconded a motion to give 1/3 to Paralyzed Veterans, 1/3 to Santa's Helpers and 1/3 to Ranken Jordan. Approved. Suzi and Sandy will serve as co-chairs for charity recommendations for next year.

•  2006 January Sectional

A budget was submitted. Suzi Shymanski-Moore suggested that chilidogs be served for the Saturday lunch for those participating in the knockouts. This will help reduce costs.

Donna Coker would like to direct the I/N games. Chris Patrias has agreed to this as a one-day trial on Saturday. If this works out she could get more assignments in the future. The Unit will pay her for this trial date. Thereafter, if further assignments develop, she would be paid by the ACBL. Sandy Becker moved to approve $220 to Donna for this January, second by Sasanka Ramanadham; approved.

We have a sanction for a sectionally rated game on M.L. King's birthday (the Monday following the Sectional). However, the cost of using the St. Charles venue is prohibitive. Jennifer Luner is trying to find a location for a one session afternoon game.

•  Other

The final numbers on the 199'er tournament were handed out. Mary Hruby reported that the event was very well attended, particularly the afternoon session. Mary is still trying to get approval from the ACBL to hold the event on September 30 next year so that it does not conflict with the NAOP. The Coach's Corner feature was underutilized and will be dropped in the future.

Sandy Becker reported that the IDOT building was filled for the NAOP.

The Board decided not to fund the February STaC week.

Standing Committees

Membership - 2 members transferred into the unit; 6 transferred out. There was 1 deletion due to death (not counting Ursula Bladen who passed away recently). Only 1 member was marked inactive due to unpaid dues.

Jennifer Luner requested that Sheryl Finkenstadt head a New Member Committee.

The website must change servers by the end of the month.

Old Business

Marie Bolego Sander has accepted the position as Advocate Editor for our unit.

New Business

The following focus areas were suggested for 2006:

Education     -   Mark Ludwig

New Members     -   Sheryl Finkenstadt

Mentoring     -   Donna Pedrotti

Suzi Shymanski-Moore suggested we give away as attendance prizes at the sectional shirts with the national logo embroidered thereon. This was discussed but no agreement was reached.

Motion by Sasanka Ramanadham, second by Sandy Becker to adjourn. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Submitted by Don Weber

Rev. (1) 12/21/05

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