
Unit 143 Board Meeting

January 11, 2006

(approved Feb 15, 2006) 

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Mary Hruby, John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Don Weber, Ed Hale, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, and Mark Ludwig. Absent were Bob Janis, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Sandy Becker and Sasanka Ramanadham. Present as a special presenter was Charles Ries.

December Minutes

Motion by Donna Pedrotti, second by Mary Hruby to approve the previously issued Rev.1 Minutes of the December 14 meeting. Approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was read by Jennifer Luner

Treasurer's Report

In the absence of Bob Janis, the report was presented by Jennifer Luner. Some comments were raised on the P/L forecast. These will be given to Bob so he can issue a revised forecast next month.


•  January Sectional

The ABA has decided not to participate in a joint event on Monday, January 16, due to that being M.L. King's birthday. There will be a national ABA/ACBL game on June 24.

•  POTY Events

Jennifer Luner presented a letter received from Ed Schultz questioning why the single session BOM event from the 2005 August Regional was not considered in the POTY points. After much discussion Donna Pedrotti moved and Ed Hale seconded a motion to include this event. Approved.

•  February StaC

The February 3 through 9 dates printed in the date book are correct.

Standing Committees

•  Awards

All are ready to go although the POTY award must be changed as the result of the before mentioned item.

•  Charity

Jennifer Luner reported that Suzi Shymanski-Moore, as committee chairperson, recommended that 2006 funds be split between the National MS Society, Backstoppers, and Santa's Helpers. Charles Ries made a presentation on behalf of the MS Society. Jennifer made presentations on behalf of the others in the absence of Suzi and Sandy Becker. John Samsel moved, and Sheryl Finkenstadt seconded, a motion to table a decision until the next meeting, when Suzi could be here to answer questions. Approved.

•  Membership

There was a net gain of one member in December.

•  Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt has agreed to be Webmaster although she will need technical help. Milt Zlatic has acquired the Dreamweaver software. No firm date was given for the migration to the new server.

A bill has been received from Andy Finkenstadt for $1,675, including $675 in hosting fees, for Phase II work. A motion was made by Ed Hale, seconded by John Samsel, to approve payment less $150 due to the lack of a backup when the site crashed. Approved. This amount needs to be added to the budget.

Mark Ludwig pointed out that he is unable to download and read club results on his Macintosh. This problem should be directed to Milt and Andy.

Old Business

There was considerable discussion on the subject of purchasing tee-shirts, with the St. Louis National logo imprinted, to be sold and/or given as awards at 2006 Sectionals and Regional. They can be acquired for about $7 each. It was suggested that the ACBL might be able to sell these at 2006 Nationals. This option will be referred to Mike Carmen and Glenn Smith. As to whether the Unit should acquire them on their own, funds are limited. This topic was tabled for future consideration.

Motion by Mary Hruby, second by Sheryl Finkenstadt, to increase Donna Coker's salary as I/N Director at the January Sectional from$220 to $230 to comply with current ACBL standards. Approved.

Mary Hruby questioned whether the $7,506.28 CD is the proper CD that was earmarked for the National. This matter will be referred to Bob Janis for further research.

Mary suggested that coupons for free plays might be given to true new players after they complete a series of lessons. Additional coupons might be given if they join the ACBL. Bridgehaven has volunteered free space for these lessons. No action taken.

New Business

Sheryl Finkenstadt will put tentative event schedules on the website.

Motion by Mary Hruby, second be Sheryl Finkenstadt, to adjourn. Approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Don Weber


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