
Unit 143 Board Meeting

February 15, 2006

(Approved March 8, 2006)

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Mary Hruby, John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Don Weber, Ed Hale, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sandy Becker, Bob Janis, and Mark Ludwig. Also present were Mike Carmen and Jack Bryant. Absent were Suzi Shymanski-Moore and Sasanka Ramanadham.

January Minutes

Motion by Mary Hruby, second by Bob Wheeler to approve Minutes of the January 11 meeting. Approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was presented by Jack Bryant. Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Donna Pedrotti to approve. Approved.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Bob Janis. Bob Janis moved and Sandy Becker seconded, that our CD821660004811 be renewed for 6 months and our CD821660004812 be renewed for 3 months. Approved.

Mary Hruby indicated that her research shows that CD821660004773 is not the one purchased with money from the last St. Louis National (1997). Further research by Mike Carmen was suggested.

Jennifer Luner noted that the ACBL suggests that the Treasurer be bonded. Ours is not. Therefor, it is important that we review the bank statements regularly. This is what the Unit Board's procedure has been, and is, which is why there is no need for bonding.


•  January Sectional

Mike Carmen reported that we lost $1,472 on the tournament. We had expected to break even. Attendance was down about 30 tables. Also Sunday dinner and caddy expense was higher than budgeted.

•  May Sectional

The same events as January will be scheduled. We need to get flyers made and distributed. Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Mary Hruby, to approve this expense. Approved.

Sheryl Finkenstadt pointed out that if we emphasize I/N events and activities the ACBL might pay up $750 (or ¾) of the duplicating costs. This will be explored.

Also we will request that Donna Coker be used as a Director at the May Sectional.

•  POTY Events

At the January meeting the Board decided that the BOM event at the Regional should be included in the POTY calculations. This resulted in Ed Schultz (rather than Tom Oppenheimer) winning the award. Jack Bryant presented the history of this award and indicated that single session events had never before been included. Since this event was not restricted past history tends to conflict with the written procedure. Ed Hale moved and Sandy Becker seconded a motion to affirm the decision of the January Board meeting. This was our interpretation of the written rules and this had not changed. Motion approved.

A committee consisting of Jennifer Luner, John Samsel, and Sheryl Finkenstadt was appointed to make recommendations for a new procedure covering 2006 and beyond.

•  February StaC

Local winners were read.

•  St. Louis Knockouts

The event will be held at Garden Villas on July 8 & 9. Sanctions have been applied for.

Standing Committees

•  Awards

Trophies for the 199ers are in hand.

•  Charity

Sandy Becker moved and Donna Pedrotti seconded a motion that that 2006 funds be split equally between the National MS Society, Backstoppers, and Santa's Helpers. Approved.

•  Education

Some material suitable for PBS is available. Mary Hruby indicated that attendance at her classes for truly new players has dropped from 6 to 3. Donna Pedrotti will write a letter to the club owners asking them to publicize these Tuesday evening classes.

•  Membership

There was a net gain of nine members in January. It was suggested that when a lapsed member indicates that they plan to renew and doesn't, a follow-up call by a different person be made.

•  Mentoring

Sandy Becker indicated that he still needs more mentors. The event is scheduled for the evening of June 14. This will require that the June Board meeting be moved forward to May 31.

•  Website

Migration to the new server is complete.

New Business

A joint ABA/ACBL game is scheduled for Saturday June 24. Donna Pedrotti will ask Beth Percich if she would be willing to direct it.

Jennifer Luner suggested that more personalized postcards inviting people to participate in the Sectionals be sent to local members who play regularly at clubs but have not attended Sectionals recently.

Mark Ludwig will acquire a large sign for posting at events reading "Photography Corner". An announcement should also be made that pictures of winners will be taken after the event. Mary Hruby indicated that she has a sign reading "Winners".This will be used to display the pictures.

Mary Hruby has difficulty changing the Unit's phone number during events and then back afterwards. In the future we will designate a cell phone number for tournaments.

We will be making a new printed (but not bound) Membership Directory. This should be available in May.

Motion by Mark Ludwig to adjourn. Approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Submitted by Don Weber


Rev. 03/01/06

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