
Unit 143 Board Meeting

March 8, 2006

(approved April 12, 2006)

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Don Weber, Ed Hale, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sandy Becker, Bob Janis, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Sasanka Ramanadham and Mark Ludwig. Also present were Mike Carmen and Marie Bolego Sander. Absent were Mary Hruby and Bob Wheeler.

February Minutes

Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Donna Pedrotti to approve Rev 1 of the Minutes of the February 15 meeting. Approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was read by Jennifer Luner and accepted by the Board. No comments were raised.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Bob Janis. Bob Janis reported that two CDs were renewed. Motion by Don Weber, second by Mark Ludwig to approve the report. Approved.

Mike Carmen reported that based on his research to date the CD earmarked for the National should be one of the two in excess of $10k.


•  I/N Events

Betty Freeman has accepted the role of I/N coordinator. Donna Coker is not allowed to direct local events since she will be employed by the ACBL.

•  August 06 Regional

Mike Carmen reported that there are three other Regionals scheduled the same week. Also the Grand Rapids Regional is the week before. Since this is closer to Chicago it may have a negative affect on our attendance.

•  May 06 Sectional

Mike Carmen presented a budget based on a 3% increase in attendance over last year. If this occurs, we expect a small profit in the tournament. Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Bob Janis, to approve the budget. Approved.

•  Future Sectionals

Motion by Sasanka Ramanadham, second by Don Weber to change the starting time of the Knockouts to 9:30AM and the starting time of the Friday and Saturday evening sessions to 7PM. Approved. This does not apply to the May 2006 tournament.

•  March 199ers

61 pairs have already signed up for the afternoon session and about half that for the evening. This looks great.

•  POTY Procedures

The POTY committee presented two handouts including the background of their recommendation and a "Recommendation to the BOD". This resulted in considerable discussion; particularly concerning awards or recognition for BCD players.

Tabled for further discussion next month.

•  St. Louis Knockouts

A request for sanction has been sent in. The Garden Villas West has been booked for the qualifying matches on July 8 th and 9 th .

Standing Committees

•  Awards

Trophies for the 199ers are in hand.

•  Membership

The format of the "In and Out Report" has changed. Don Weber will find out if quarterly reports are still required. There was a net gain of 2 members in February.

•  New Members

Sheryl Finkenstadt indicated that a marketing plan is required before flyers or other materials are distributed. There is $1,000 in the budget for this activity. Jennifer Luner will talk to a friend at work who has experience in this area. Suzi Shymanski-Moore will also serve in assisting with this task..

•  Website

Everything including the bulletin board is up and functioning. Following the crash several months ago, the web site is completely recovered, thanks to the efforts of Jennifer & Milt. Other updates have been installed.

Old Business

A joint ABA/ACBL game is scheduled for Saturday June 24. Beth Percich has been approached to direct the game and we are awaiting to hear of her availability on that day. The ABA is waiting for more specific plans from us.

It was brought up that Mary Hruby would like to print out new Unit Directories and bring them to the clubs for distribution. Jennifer Luner showed such a directory from another unit with an attractive cover. We would like to do a similar one if it is not too costly. The web design team is looking into ways that will enable people to print the Unit Directory from their home computer.

Suzi Shymanski-Moore (phone committee) reported that the committee needs lists not only of all players, but also of those who have attended recent tournaments. John Samsel will compile this list. Jennifer Luner suggested we consider offering rides to people who no longer drive or do not drive at night. Suzi will be recruiting volunteers for a phone committee and creating a script to generate dialogue with those who do not attend our tournaments regularly to see what we can do to help.

New Business

Marie Bolego Sander (The "Hat Lady and St. Louis news correspondent for the District 8 Advocate) would like to see a liaison committee established to interact with club directors. This committee would try to increase club attendance. Jennifer Luner will research whether ACBL rules prohibit any formal relationship between the Unit and the club owners. If such a committee is acceptable, Marie Bolego Sander, Sheryl Finkenstadt, and Sandy Becker will represent Unit 143 (liaison through Donna Pedrotti). This committee would try to increase both club and tournament attendance, as club players feed our tournaments.

Jennifer Luner indicated the need for a Unit Mission Statement and Plan. A document titled "10-Year Check In: Unit 143 Strategic Planning Committee" was handed out. All members were asked to consider it and bring their thoughts and ideas next month.

Motion by Don Weber, second by Sandy Becker to adjourn. Approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Don Weber


Rev 1 04/08/06

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