
Unit 143 Board Meeting

April 12 , 2006

(approved May 10, 2006)

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Ed Hale, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Bob Janis, Sasanka Ramanadham and Bob Wheeler. Absent were Sandy Becker, Mary Hruby, Mark Ludwig, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, and Don Weber.

March Minutes

Motion was made by Donna Pedrotti, seconded by Sheryl Finkenstadt to approve the Minutes of the March 8 meeting. Approved

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was read by Jennifer Luner and accepted by the Board. No comments were raised.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Bob Janis. We are showing a loss of $7,085.64 for the year. There is a carry-over loss from last year of $2497.60 plus some web site expenses.


A. 199'er Tournament

Tournament was successful and made a profit of $625.

B. POTY Procedure

New POTY procedure was reviewed. A change was made to state that player must be in good standing when the points are won. Motion was made by Bob Janis and seconded by Sheryl Finkenstadt to approve the revised procedure. Approved

C . St Louis Knockouts

Sanction for the event has been requested but no approval has been received.

Standing Committees

•  Awards

Trophies have been ordered for the May Sectional. POTY award plaque has been received.

•  Charity

No Report

•  Education

No report

•  Membership

The Quip report showed that we have 965 members in the unit. This is up 1% for the past year but down 3% for the past 2 years. The new member retention rate after 2 years is 57%. The average member age is 66.1 years

•  Mentoring

The program is going well

•  New Members

Jennifer is working on a marketing plan.

•  Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt provided report on website usage. It appears that people other than members have been viewing the website. There were 1116 unique visitors and only 965 members.

Sheryl requested that material for posting to the website should be sent to her in text format. She usually has to completely redo attachments to get them posted.

Sheryl will investigate putting a counter on website to record hits to site.

After discussion of new format vs old format for the web page, board went with use of short screen with use of tabs for various sections.


Veena Uberoi , a new unit member, has been assigned 500 ACBL points based on her Japan and Thailand experience

No report on incident at Dan Schaffer's game.

Roster of active clubs was reviewed. Ownership of the St. Charles Bridge club has changed from Claudia Beatty to Dan Schaffer. Invitation only clubs in the area include Sue Rechter (4 games), Mark Ehret (3 games) and the Boeing game.

Old Business

Flier for the join ABA/ACBL game on June 24 was reviewed. Both ABA and ACBL points will be awarded.

Any data changes for unit directories need to be made by May. Changes can be done by computer. The printing of 500 copies is planned.

Phone committee will start after Easter.

Long discussion was held on the Mission Statement. Items discussed include:

  1. Club owner responsibilities vs board responsibilities

  2. We need to list goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed. We must follow thru on these goals.

  3. Duplicate bridge should be rewarding in some way to anyone who plays especially at tournaments.

  4. Commit to educating players about the spirit of laws of duplicate and ethical behavior

  5. Provide lecture on bridge rules/rulings once a year at one of the tournaments

  6. Return revenue to our members in enhanced playing environment, services and hospitality at our tournaments

  7. Enhanced gifts and attention to novices

  8. When number of novices is greater than 200, label group as 0-299

Board agreed that a future meeting needs to be dedicated entirely to the discussion of the mission statement.

Next meeting will be held on May 10, 2006. The following meeting will be held on June 7, 2006

Motion was made by Bob Janis, seconded by Sasanka Ramanadham to adjourn. Approved.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Bob Wheeler


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