
Unit 143 Board Meeting

May 10 , 2006

(approved June 7, 2006)

Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were John Samsel, Donna Pedrotti, Don Weber, Ed Hale, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sandy Becker, Bob Janis, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Sasanka Ramanadham, Mary Hruby, Bob Wheeler and Mark Ludwig.

April Minutes

Motion by Sheryl Finkenstadt, second by Donna Pedrotti to approve Rev 1 of the Minutes of the April meeting. Approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was distributed by Jennifer Luner and accepted by the Board. No comments were raised.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Bob Janis. Bob Janis reported that our checking balance is down to about $1,300. Since he does not want to cash a CD early, a bill for the caterer at the May Sectional may need to be held a few days until a CD becomes due.

Old Business - Mission Statement

The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the Mission Statement. Jennifer Luner passed out a one page handout including "Duties and Responsibilities of All Units" from the ACBL President's Handbook, "Ideas submitted by board members since last meeting", and "Strategic objectives suggested". This document was the main focus of discussion. Major discussions involved who is responsible for enforcing zero tolerance in club games and format for Unit Games. Sheryl Finkenstadt handed out a two paged document outlining a possible change. The ideas included in Jennifer's handout were generally endorsed with some additions, clarifications, and corrections. A revised document will be distributed separately.


•  Knockouts

Postcards have been mailed. Sasanka Ramanadham questioned the value of mailing these postcards to all members. Flyers are also distributed and he felt that one or the other (but not both) would be satisfactory for most members. It was also suggested that the cards could be distributed through the clubs rather than mailing. Feedback on this topic should be directed to John Samsel.

•  Eve Goodknight

Both Sasanka Ramanadham and Suzi Shymanski-Moore felt that some recognition of the late Eve Goodknight at the May Sectional would be appropriate. The board generally agreed although no decision was reached on the form this would take. A large picture for display was discussed.

Standing Committees

•  Membership

There was a net gain of 17 members in March and 1 in April.

•  Education

Mark Ludwig will take pictures of winners 15 minutes after each evening event at the Sectional. Mark will make an announcement to this effect.

Old Business

Flyers for the joint ABA/ACBL game will be distributed via the clubs next week. Beth Percich has agreed to direct the game.

Mary Hruby had a first printout of the new Unit Directories. However, the print font is too small. She will get them reprinted with 12 point font. They will then be copied, stapled, and distributed via the clubs.

Suzi Shymanski-Moore (phone committee) reported that the committee was very active and positive in calling members about the May Sectional. However, the responses were, in general, not favorable. Many respondents claimed to be unaware of the tournament. Suzi believes the effort may result in about 3 extra tables.

A handout with information on Mini-McKinney, Ace of Clubs, and Zero Tolerance was handed out and will be distributed shortly.

New Business

Donna Pedrotti will head the Nominating Committee.

Jennifer Luner noted that most board members function independently rather than heading up committees. At the Sectional an announcement will be made indicating the need for volunteers to serve on committees.

Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Mark Ludwig to adjourn. Approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

The June meeting will be on June 7.

Submitted by Don Weber


Rev. 6/6/06


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