
Unit 143 Board Meeting

July 12 , 2006

(approved September 6, 2006)

President Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Ed Hale, Donna Pedrotti, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Sasanka Ramanadham, Mark Ludwig, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, John Samsel, Sheryl Finkenstadt, and Mike Carmen. Absent was Don Weber.

June Minutes

The June minutes were approved

Secretary's Report

The Secretary's report was approved. Per Jennifer Luner, Jack Bryant indicates that the new POTY procedure is easier to administer.



Mike Carmen stated that the Renaissance Hotel has new ownership, but there is no increase in this year's costs.

The new I/N fliers have been sent out

Full time students under 25 will be charged half price at the tournament.

Hotel reservations are running ahead of last year. The room rate is $87 per night.

Per Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Rose Etzkorn agreed to provide nametags for the upcoming Regional. Bob Wheeler will contact her.

Discussion was held concerning possible changes to both the KO and Swiss team format. Proposed changes included having a Swiss team event for only the I/N group and having a KO event which would only be held in morning or evening. No decision was reached.

Jennifer Luner will talk to Tournament director about getting results to post on the website. Sheryl Finkenstadt will create the webpage.

Sheryl Finkenstadt motioned and Suzi Shymanski-Moore seconded one free play at the Regional for Ask The Expert panel members. Motion was approved

St Louis KO

There were 33 teams in the event with a total table count of 33. Profit was approximately $537.


  1. Awards

Awards have been ordered for the upcoming Regional.

  1. Charity

The Monday evening game at the Regional will be a Charity game.

  1. Education

No report

  1. Membership

There were 9 new members for a net gain of 7 members.

  1. Mentoring

Table count was 21.2. All went well.

  1. Website

Suggestion was made to include more information on upcoming NABC on the website.

  1. Discipline

A player has been banned for 6 months from Mark Ehert's game


Unit Directories

Unit directories have been printed and distributed.

Nominating Committee

Steve Zenk will be taking Sandi Becker's place on the Board.

Unit Game Proposal

Proposal was made to hold one game per month on a Sunday evening. Pre-dealt hands and hand records would be required. POTY points would be awarded. Discussion was mainly about who would run the games. Club owners will be asked to submit bids to run the games. Mary Hruby will check with Garden Villas , American Legion and Bridge Haven for availability of Sunday evenings.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM

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