
Unit 143 Board Meeting

September 6 , 2006

(approved October 11, 2006)

President Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Donna Pedrotti, Don Weber, Ed Hale, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sandy Becker, Bob Janis, Mary Hruby, Bob Wheeler, Mark Ludwig, Sasanka Ramanadham, John Samsel, Jennifer Luner, and Mike Carmen. Absent was Suzi Shymanski-Moore.

July Minutes

Motion by Mary Hruby, second by Mark Ludwig to approve Rev 1 of the Minutes of the July meeting. Approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report was accepted.

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's Report was presented by Bob Janis. Bob reported there are significant uncashed checks and accounts payable. As a result the real checking balance is about $14,000.

District 8 is in the green so the unit will not be assessed $1 per member in January. This will save about $1,000.

Bob needs all inputs for the 2007 budget by October 8.

Motion by Don Weber, second by Donna Pedrotti, to approve the Treasurer's Report. Approved.


•  August Regional

Table count was up by 145 and revenue was up $6,712. Mike Carmen believes a major factor in the increase was the schedule. This increase occurred despite the fact that very few pros attended. Many positive comments and few negative comments were received.

As a point of information for stratified Swiss events the average MP's of the team, rather than that of the individuals, sets the stratus of the team. For stataflighted events the highest MP's held by an individual member of the team sets the stratus. These events have an X strata. It was suggested that this be clarified on flyers for future tournaments.

•  2007 Regional

The schedule for the 2007 Regional must be approved a year ahead (now). One comment received this year was that some people would like a team event on Saturday (possibly starting Friday evening). A Compact Swiss was discussed.

A tentative schedule, similar to this year's event, was distributed. Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Sasanka Ramanadham, to approve this schedule. Approved.

Many feel there is too much time between the end of the afternoon session and the start of the evening session. Motion by Don Weber, second by Sheryl Finkenstadt, to set starting times of Monday through Saturday events at 9am, 1pm, and 7pm. Approved.

Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Sheryl Finkenstadt, to set the Sunday starting time at 10am. Approved. This change was designed so that some extra time could be added between matches for people to get food.

C. Stratification

There was considerable discussion on the subject of strata breaks. Unit 143 breaks C at 500 max and B at 1500 max. There is a definite trend throughout the ACBL to 750/2000. Sheryl Finkenstadt handed out some demographics showing the breakdown of USA and Unit 143 members by MP's. Motion by Bob Wheeler, second by Mary Hruby, to leave Unit 143's strata breaks unchanged. Carried 6-4. This applies to sectionals and regionals.

D. October Sectional

All set to go.

E. January Sectional

Motion by Sasanka Ramanadham, second by Sheryl Finkenstadt, to have a separate swiss event on Sunday for those with 299 or less MP's. Tabled until Mary Hruby surveys players at the upcoming 199er tournament.

Standing Committees

•  Awards

All in order.

•  Nominating

Jane Ettelson has been nominated to replace Don Weber who will be moving out of the area. Jane will complete Don's term. Steve Zenk has been nominated to replace Sandy Becker whose term is expiring. Motion by Bob Wheeler, second by Sheryl Finkenstadt to approve the nominees. Approved. Sheryl needs pictures of the nominees.

•  Charity

There is no longer a national ACBL charity. District 8 has about $20,000 in funds to be distributed. Glen Smith will be given $5,000 to attract sponsor(s) for the National. Of the remainder Unit 143 will get about $3,000. The Unit needs to decide to what organization(s) it should be given.

There is a charity game scheduled for Tuesday, October 10. Club owners have the option of running it at their clubs. Donna Pedrotti will talk to the club owners.

•  Membership

There was a net increase of 19 members in August.

•  Mentoring/NAOP

This fall's district NAOP will be in Springfield. Postcards will be sent to all who qualified. These postcards should be taken to the event.

•  New Members

This position is vacant. Jennifer will talk to Jane Ettelson about it.

•  Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt handed out statistics of visits. There is an upward trend.

•  Discipline

A memo has been received from the ACBL with a procedure for handling complaints. Jennifer Luner requested that Mark Ludwig serve as coordinator. Mark said he would consider it.

ACBL says that club owners generally have full control over discipline at their games.

Two specific incidents were discussed. Action is still required on one. Jennifer Luner will follow-up with Alan Popkin.

Old Business

A. Unit Directories

A limited number of the new directories have been printed and distributed to the clubs. It was suggested that Membership discontinue the practice of sending directories to new members and transfers in. Rather, these people should be directed to the Website or to obtain printed copies from the clubs. Membership will continue to send Date Books to transfers in.

B. 299er Tournament (Proposed)

Bob Wheeler handed out a cost estimate. We would like to break even. This would require a reduction in expenses of about $400. Dates are available in the Fall of 2007. Mary Hruby will survey those at the 199er tournament as to whether they would like such an event.

C. Unit Game

It has been previously agreed that the unit would hold such a game on the first Sunday of each month. May's event would be the last Sunday in April. The American Legion Hall is the preferred location.

Jennifer Luner wrote to all directors and club owners in the area to determine who might be interested in running the event. Sheryl Finkenstadt was the only respondent. Sheryl would receive a commitment from the unit for one year. The maximum financial risk to the unit would be about $1,000. Jennifer will send the proposal to all board members by e-mail. An e-mail vote will then be conducted.

New Business

The October meeting will be on the second Wednesday as usual.

Motion by Sandy Becker, second by Don Weber to adjourn. Approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.

Submitted by Don Weber

Re. 1 10/02/06

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