
Unit 143 Board Meeting

October 11, 2006

(approved Novembver 8, 2006)

President Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Donna Pedrotti, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Sasanka Ramanadham, John Samsel, Sheryl Finkenstadt, and Bob Wheeler. Absent were Don Weber, Mark Ludwig, Suzi Shymanski-Moore and Ed Hale.

September Minutes

Mary Hruby motioned and Donna Pedrotti seconded motion to approve the September minutes. The motion was approved.

Secretary's Report

The Secretary's report indicated the unit presently has 1029 members. Player of the Year standings was updated with results from the September unit game. A list of new life masters has been sent to Jennifer Luner. Jack indicated that we are out of Life Master Pins. Mary Hruby motioned and Sandy Becker seconded motion to purchase 10 new pins. The motion was approved.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis stated that the Unit 143 has $12,678.98 in its checking account. The unit made $897.32 for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2006. He is in need of more input in order to finalize the budget for the 2006-2007budget. $7500 will be budgeted for the Spring Nationals in St. Louis.


199er Tournament

Mary Hruby said the tournament went well. The morning session had 29.5 tables and the afternoon session had 13 tables. Linda Powers and Nevin Shah helped Mary with the tournament. The net profit was $485.15.

Mary also conducted 2 surveys at the tournament. The first asked if the players would be prefer a separate 0 - 299er Swiss game as opposed to the Open Swiss at our Sectional Tournaments. The players voted 49 to 4 in favor of the 299er Swiss game. The issue was tabled for future discussion.

The second survey asked the preferred date for a proposed 299er tournament. The preferences were 14 for the 2 nd weekend of September, 28 for the 3 rd weekend of November and 8 for the 2 nd weekend of December. Sheryl Finkenstadt motioned and Bob Janis seconded a motion to hold a 299er tournament on the 3 rd weekend of November 2007. The motion was approved.


  1. Awards

No Report

  1. Charity

The District 8 Charity game will be held on Tuesday December 5.

  1. Education

No Report

  1. Membership

Membership gains include 2 new members, 5 reinstated members and 7 transfers.

Membership losses include 8 members transferring out and 12 members who became inactive. There was a net loss of 6 members during the past month.

E. Mentoring/NAOP

Sandy Becker stated that 321 players had qualified for the NAOP. Player

notifications has been sent out. Sandy will also send a list of qualifiers to Mike


The Board thanked Sandy Becker, who will be leaving the Board after 3 years of service. Sandy complimented the Board for their work to get new players into playing bridge

  1. Website

Suggestion was made to include more information on upcoming NABC on the website.

Per arrangement with Donna Coker, the October Sectional tournament results will be placed on the website.

Usage of the website remains stable. The site is averaging about 4 pages per visit from over 1100 unique computers.

  1. Discipline

No Report


Unit Directories

Soon members will be able to print the unit directories from the unit website. The directories will be updated on a monthly basis.

Unit Game Proposal

The original unit game proposal was rejected by the Board in August via an e-mail vote. An alternate unit Swiss game called "Eight is Enough" was discussed. For this game, A players are assigned 3 points each, B players 2 points each and C players 1 point each. Each team would be limited to 8 points. Stratifications are still to be determined. Games would be held once a month on Sunday evenings at the American Legion on Olive. Donna Coker would be the director. Motion was made by Mary Hruby and seconded by Bob Janis to fund the game for a 3 month trial. The motion was approved.

New Business



Since the ACBL now carries D & O insurance, a motion was made by Mary Hruby and seconded by Donna Pedrotti to cancel the Unit 143 policy with Met Life. The motion was approved.

Annual Membership Meeting Agenda

Jennifer Luner provided a copy of the agenda for the annual membership meeting.

Agenda items include:

•  Approval of the Minutes from the October 15, 2005 meeting.

•  Introduce Board of Directors and key unit members

•  Treasurer's report

•  Recent events and initiatives

Board Meeting Location Change

Bridge Haven offered a room to hold our meetings. However the room is too small for our needs. The Board voted to keep the meetings at Olivette Community Center.

GNT Conditions of Contest

The GNT conditions of contest have been changed to require teams to have at least 3 members of the original team at the National Finals.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM

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