
Unit 143 Board Meeting

November 8, 2006

(Approved Dec 13, 2006)

President Jennifer Luner called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Donna Pedrotti, Mary Hruby, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Sasanka Ramanadham, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, John Samsel, Mike Carmen, Steve Zenk, Jane Ettelson and Bob Wheeler. Absent were Mark Ludwig, Sheryl Finkenstadt, and Ed Hale.

September Minutes

Mary Hruby motioned and Suzi Shymanski-Moore seconded motion to approve the October minutes. The motion was approved.

New Members

Steve Zenk and Jane Ettelson were welcomed to the Board as new members .

Election of Officers

Mary Hruby motioned and Donna Pedrotti seconded the nomination of John Samsel for Board President . The nomination was approved.

Suzi Shymanski-Moore motioned and Donna Pedrotti seconded the nomination of Mary Hruby for Board Vice President . The nomination was approved.

Suzi Shymanski-Moore motioned and Mary Hruby seconded the nomination of Bob Janis for Board Treasurer . The nomination was approved.

Mary Hruby motioned and Suzi Shymanski-Moore seconded the nomination of Bob Wheeler for Board Secretary . The nomination was approved.

John Samsel assumed control of the meeting.

Secretary's Report

Player of the Year (POTY) standings were updated with the results of the October sectional. The 2006 winner is Ed Schultz . Ten Life Master pins were ordered from the ACBL. Badges were ordered for the new board members. Sanction numbers for the November 2006 unit game were given to Donna Pedrotti.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis stated that UNIT 143 has $11,867.77 in the checking account. The 2006-2007budget should be ready next month. Bob requested permission to redeem a CD that is coming due. The money would be used for the upcoming NABC and building rental fees for our Sectional Tournaments. Request was approved. Bob requested monthly or at least quarterly statements from the storage company holding our tables.


Mike Carmen presented the financial results of the October Sectional Tournament. The net profit was about $743.

Mike would like to continue the single session open pair game on Saturday vs the two session events of previous tournaments. Because of the World Series, Mike does not feel the single session event was given a fair trial. The Board agreed.

The tournament starting time was discussed. Suzi Shymanski-Moore motioned and Mary Hruby seconded a motion to change the starting times back to 1:30PM for the afternoon sessions and 7:30PM for the evening sessions on Friday and Saturdays. The Saturday morning session would start at 9:00AM. The Sunday starting time would remain unchanged. The Board approved the change.

There was a problem with the Saturday noon lunch for the KO players. Non-KO players also helped themselves to the lunch.

Steps to prevent this were discussed and will be implemented at future Sectionals.


  1. Awards

No Report

  1. Charity

Suzi Shymanski-Moore and new member will form committee.

  1. Education

No Report

  1. Membership

Membership gains include 6 new members, 1 reinstated member and 1 transfer.

Membership losses include 7 members transferring out and 5 members becoming

inactive. There was a net loss of 4 members during the past month.

E. Mentoring/NAOP

No report

  1. Website

Jennifer Luner reported for Sheryl Finkenstadt. There were about 1500 hits last month on the UNIT 143 web page with an average of 4 pages for each hit. About 90% of the users use Windows with Internet Explorer. Sheryl wants to get more club owners to report their game results.

  1. Discipline

No Report

  1. Hospitality

John Samsel wants to form a committee for Hospitality. More on this next month



Unit Game Proposal

The Eight is Enough unit games are scheduled to start Sunday April 1, 2007. Mary Hruby signed a 3 month lease with American Legion. The cost will be $70 per evening. Since the American legion closes about 9:30PM, the games will need to start about 5:00-5:15PM. There will be 4 each 7 board matches. The stratifications will be 0-750 for C bracket, 0-2000 for B bracket and +2000 for A bracket. Since the American Legion kitchen will be closed, we can bring in food. American Legion will provide coffee at $10 per pot.   2006-2007 Meeting Schedule Jennifer Luner provided a schedule for the 2006-2007 Board meetings. The March 14 meeting will be rescheduled due to NABC.

New Business

The Board had a long discussion on ways to try and improve attendance at the club games. No conclusions were reached.

. Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM

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