
Unit 143 Board Meeting

December 13 , 2006

(Approved Jan 10, 2007)

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present were Donna PedrottI, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Sasanka Ramanadham, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Jane Ettelson, Mark Ludwig, Ed Hale, and Bob Wheeler. Absent were Mary Hruby, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, and Steve Zenk.

September Minutes

Jennifer Luner motioned and Sheryl Finkenstadt seconded motion to approve the November minutes. The motion was approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

Player of the Year (POTY) standings were updated with the results of the November 14 Unit game. The Unit 143 data base was updated with the ACBL In/Out Report. A file of all Unit 143 members without E-Mail addresses was given to Sasanka Ramanadham. The file will be used for mailing labels for postcards for upcoming tournaments. Badges were purchased for the new board members. Fletcher Anderson's obituary notice was mailed to ACBL.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis stated that as of November 30, 2006 Unit 143 has $11,381.85 in the checking account. After paying for Blanchette Park Hall for the 2007 Sectional Tournaments, this amount is down to about $1,387. Bob requested that about $2647.60 be taken from a maturing CD to pay additional expenses for the upcoming January Sectional Tournament. This money would be recouped from the tournament proceeds. A motion was made by Donna Pedrotti and seconded by Mark Ludwig to approve Bob's request. The motion was approved. Bob estimates a net loss of $3,331 for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. This is primarily due to the $12,500 expense for the 2007 NABC event in March 2007.

John Samsel provided list of the new committee assignments. They are:


  1. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti has awards, nominations and club liaison duties. Donna stated that plaques and trophies have been ordered. Because of Mary Hruby's recent injury, Donna will work on partnerships at the January Sectional Tournament.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Suzi Shymanski-Moore and Mark Ludwig are assigned to this committee.

No report

  1. Education/Mentoring

Jennifer Luner will head the Education Committee. Members will also include Ed Hale, Darrell Fisher and Lee Hastings. The Mentoring program will be moved to the Education Committee.

  1. Membership

Steve Zenk will have membership. Via E-mail Steve reported membership gains include 11 new members, 1 reinstated member and 5 transfers.

Membership losses included 9 members transferring out and 10 members becoming inactive. There was a net loss of 2 members during the past month.


Ed Hale will do the NAOP and GNT tournaments. No report

  1. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt is assigned responsibilities for the website. Sheryl indicated that site usage for the month of November was normal. Extra links are on the Home page for the upcoming Spring NABC.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham is assigned responsibilities for publicity. He provided fliers to be given clubs for the January 2007 Sectional Tournament. Sasanka wants to use e-mail to contact members about tournaments. Post cards would be sent to those members without e-mail addresses.

  1. Membership/199er Tournament

Jane Ettelson is assigned responsibilities for new members and the 199er tournament. Mary Hruby will also work on the 199er tournament. No Report.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

Bob Wheeler has responsibilities as recording secretary and for bidding boxes

  1. Vice President

Mary Hruby has responsibilities as vice president and also for the date book and the 199er tournament

  1. President

John Samsel has responsibilities as Board President and Representative to the District 8 Board. He also will work with Sasanka on publicity.

  1. Tournament Chairman

Non-Board member Mike Carmen is Tournament Chairman in charge of the 3 sectional and 1 regional tournaments.

  1. Corresponding Secretary

Non-Board member Jack Bryant is Corresponding Secretary

  1. Auditor

Non-Board member Rich Haacke is the unit auditor



New Business

The ACBL is looking at changes to how players will be bracketed in future tournaments. Instead of using just master point totals, the ACBL would also look at how players performed in recent events.   Ed Hale looking into the best way for the unit to make Flight breaks in pair games to optimize points awarded at our tournaments. At a recent local tournament, the director in charge changed the brackets because there were not enough players in the posted C bracket. The Board needs to determine how Unit 143 should handle this situation .

Jennifer Luner has been made a lifetime member of the ACBL National Charity Committee.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM  

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