
        Unit 143 Board Meeting

        April 11, 2007

Approved May 9, 2007

Vice President Mary Hruby called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Also present were Board members Donna Pedrotti, Sheryl Finkenstadt Sasanka Ramanadham, Steve Zenk, Mark Ludwig, Bob Janis and Bob Wheeler. Absent were Jennifer Luner, John Samsel, Ed Hale, Jane Ettelson and Suzi Shymanski-Moore. Also present was Mike Carmen.

February Minutes

Sheryl Finkenstadt motioned and Donna Pedrotti seconded motion to approve the January minutes. The motion was approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The unit 143 data base is current as of March 1, 2007. The 2006 Mini-McKenney medals have been received from Baron Barclay Bridge are being held for presentation at the May Sectional Tournament. Sanction numbers for the 2007 Unit games were given to Donna Coker.

Obituary notices for Pat Catalano, Bill Kauffman and Charles Eisenburg were mailed to ACBL. The 2007 Player of the Year standings have been updated with the results from the April 1 Unit Game. A list of players not in Unit 143 was e-mailed to Sasanka Ramanadham. Players on this list will be mailed postcards advertising the May Sectional Tournament.

The report was approved.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of March 31, 2007. This showed a balance of $4,655 in the checking account. About $1200 from the EIGHT IS ENOUGH game and from ACBL membership fees need to be added to the balance. The unit has a loss of about $14,861 for the year. This loss is primarily due to the $12,500 being provided to help fund the March NABC Tournament. The Treasurer's report was approved.



  1. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti has the trophies for the upcoming 0-199 Tournament. Trophies for the May Sectional Tournament have been ordered.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

No report

  1. Education/Knockouts

Sasanka Ramanadham stated that because of space limitations, the A bracket qualifying round will start in the afternoon rather than in the morning. The morning session will start at 10:30 AM.

  1. Membership

Steve Zenk reported a net gain of 31 new members in March. He attributes the large increase to the March NABC in St Louis. We presently have about 1047 members in Unit 143.


No report

  1. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt indicated that things are going well.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham said that 350 postcards have been sent to neighboring units for the upcoming May Sectional tournament. He is also working with ACBL to e-mail May Sectional Tournament advertisement to Unit 143 membership.

Sasanka also said the post cards for the August Regional Tournament are ready to mail. He needs to input from Mike Carmen before placing the Regional advertisement in the June and July editions of the Bridge Bulletin.

Sasanka indicated there has been a problem with sending our advertisements to ACBL in WORD format. Apparently the ACBL can handle PDF format better. We need to consider the purchase of program to enable Unit 143 to send our advertisements to ACBL in the PDF format.

  1. Membership/199er Tournament

The 199er tournament is set for Saturday April 28, 2007. Jane Ettelson will assist Mary Hruby in running the tournament.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

The initial EIGHT IS ENOUGH unit game was very successful. Seventeen teams participated. The next game is scheduled for April 29. A caddy will be at the next game. Snacks will also be improved.

  1. Tournament Chairman

Mike Carmen presented his budget and event schedule for the May Sectional tournament. Several schedule changes include 2 one session Open pair events on Saturday instead of 1 two session Open pair event and separate 299er Swiss event on Sunday. Mike budget for the weekend projects a $2 profit for the weekend event.



Mary Hruby indicted that Donna Coker is not available to run the Pro-Am. Mary indicated she will get a room and director for the event. Pro-Am pairings will be by random drawing.   Motion was made by Donna Pedrotti and seconded by Sasanka Ramanadham to allow players with fewer than 5 master points to play for free in the Friday night novice game at the May Sectional Tournament. The motion passed

    Meeting Adjourned at 8:24 PM

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