
        Unit 143 Board Meeting

        May 9, 2007

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Also present were Board members Donna Pedrotti, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sasanka Ramanadham, Mark Ludwig, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Ed Hale, Mary Hruby, Jane Ettelson and Bob Wheeler. Absent was Steve Zenk. Also present was Mike Carmen, Glenn Smith and Lee Hastings..

April Minutes

The April meeting minutes were approved

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The unit 143 data base is current as of March 1, 2007. Jack Bryant will request 2 files from ACBL: 1) Unit 143 members and 2) District 8 minus Unit 143 plus Missouri not part of Unit 143. The 2006 Mini-McKenney medals have been received from Baron Barclay Bridge were given to John Samsel for presentation at the May Sectional Tournament. Sanction numbers for the 2007 Unit games were given to Donna Coker. Obituary notices for Monte Lopata was mailed to ACBL. The 2007 Player of the Year standings have been updated with the results from the April 29th Unit Game.

The report was approved.


Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of April 30, 2007. This showed a balance of $6,047 in the checking account. The unit has a loss of about $13,126 for the year. This loss is primarily due to the $12,500 being provided to help fund the March NABC Tournament. The Treasurer's report was approved.


  1. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti has the trophies and POTY award for the upcoming Sectional Tournament.

Donna also nominated Sandy Bigg to replace Suzi Shymanski-Moore on the Board. The nomination was approved.

Donna provided a list of nominations for the October elections. Mary Hruby will not be returning because of term limits. The nominations are Sasanka Ramanadham, Donna Pedrotti, Jane Ettelson and Debra Romero.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Because of Suzi Shymanski-Moore's resignation from the Board, Mark Ludwig will be taking over responsibility for Hospitality at the Sectional and Regional Tournaments. We are in need of a person to supervise the caddies at our tournaments.

  1. Education

Jennifer Luner and Lee Hastings provided an update for the Easy Bridge. Lee has become an accredited director and Easy Bridge Teacher. He indicated that St Louis Community College is looking for a bridge teacher for their new Wildwood Campus. They presently have a waiting list of prospective students. The Community College would provide advertising and a location for the class. Lee is willing to teach Easy Bridge at the community College. Unit 143 would have to provide class materials (books and cards). Bob Janis motioned and Mary Hruby seconded the motion to provide $650 for the necessary supplies. The motion was approved.

  1. Knockouts

Sasanka Ramanadham stated that because of space limitations, the A bracket qualifying round will start in the afternoon rather than in the morning. The morning session will start at 10:30 AM.

  1. Membership

No report


No report

  1. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt indicated that there is a new method to report hits on the web page.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham is checking on free advertising in the newspaper for the May Sectional Tournament. The ad for the Upcoming Regional Tournament should be ready by May 13, 2007.

  1. Membership/199er Tournament

Mary Hruby reported that the 199er tournament was held on Saturday April 28, 2007. There were a total of 41 tables at the event. The net profit was $424 for the day. Jane Ettleson will be taking responsibility for future 199er tournaments.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

The second EIGHT IS ENOUGH unit game was very successful. Twenty two teams participated in the April 29 game. The next game is scheduled for June 3. After that, the game will be sold to Donna Coker. She must commit to run game thru at least March 2008. Ownership of the game would revert back to Unit 143, if Donna would be unable to continue the game. Donna would be responsible for the entire operation of the EIGHT IS ENOUGH unit games.

K. Tournament Chairman

Mike Carmen and Glenn Smith presented their report on the March NABC tournament held in St Louis. They indicated that there were about 500 tables over their estimate. The hospitality and entertainment portions were well received. Mike and Glenn feel that ACBL may be willing to return to St Louis in 6 or 7 years. Mike indicated that unspent funds will be put in a Unit 8 account. Unit 8 will add funds every year to the account which will be used to help fund the next NABC held in St. Louis.


Zero tolerance policy at our tournaments was discussed. The policy needs to be enforced. Also the policy should be discussed at the novice lessons held prior to the Sectional and Regional games.

    Meeting Adjourned

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