
      Unit 143 Board Meeting

              Jan. 9, 2008

(Approved Feb 13, 2008)

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Board Members Donna Pedrotti, Ed Hale, Bob Wheeler, Jane Ettleson, Mark Ludwig, Sandy Bigg, Debbie Romero, Sasanka Ramanadham and Suzi Shymanski-Moore.

Absent were Board members Sheryl Finkenstadt, Steve Zenk and Bob Janis.

December Minutes

The December minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The Unit 143 data base is still current as of January 1, 2008. The ACBL In/Out reports dated 11/01/07, 12/01/07 and 01/01/08 have been posted. Steve Zenk will forward the reports each month to update the data base.

Mailing labels for Unit 143 players, Unit 223 players living close to St Louis and Unit 15 players in the Jefferson City and Columbia area with less than 200 master points have been delivered to Jane Ettleson for the 199er tournament post cards.

Name badges were ordered for new board members Debra Romero and Sandy Bigg and for Suzi Shymanski-Moore.

Mini-McKenney medals were ordered from ACBL.

Mailing labels for players with less than 299 master points and who had won at least 1 master point in 2007 were provided to Chuck Starovasnik. He is planning a 299er game. Unit 143 was reimbursed $5.13 for the cost of the labels.

A list of new life masters from the November thru December 2007 Bulletins was provided to John Samsel. They will be awarded their LM pins at the January sectional Tournament.

Treasurer's Report

John Samsel provided a copy of Bob Janis' Unit 143 balance sheet as of December 31, 2007. This showed a balance of $3,072 in the checking account. The unit has $35,927 in total current assets. The report shows a loss of $1817.09 for the months of October thru December. The Treasurer's report was approved.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti said trophies are ready for the January Sectional Tournament. The POTY award is ready. Some of the trophies need new nameplates.

B. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Left over food from the January Sectional tournament will be donated to the St. Charles Fire department.

C. Education

Ed Hale presented the Education Committee's guideline document to evaluate requests for financial support by Unit 143 for education programs such as Easy Bridge. The proposal was tabled until next month. Board members will e-mail any comments to Ed Hale.

D. Membership

Steve Zenk e-mailed his report to the board members. He reported that Unit 143 has approximately 1050 members. For the year of 2007, Unit 143 had new member gains of 11.6% which ranked 32 nd out of 304 ACBL units. New Life Masters were Carole Benkelman and Dianne Glick.

Congratulations to Jane Ettelson who made Bronze LM.

E. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt e-mailed her report to the Board members. She reported that the web site lists about 50 unique visitors to the site each month. The most popular pages are the game results page and the home page. There appears to be no problems or difficulties with Site 5 (host server). Sheryl wants to remind club owners that she will not be making any future announcements of club game schedule changes unless the owners request the announcements be made.

F. Publicity

Sasanka reported that fliers for the August Regional Tournament have been sent to Kansas City.


No report

H. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

I. Vice President

No Report.

J. Tournament Chairman

Regional schedule has been approved by the ACBL.


The Eight is Enough Unit Game franchise to Donna Coker is scheduled to end after the March 2008 game. Donna Pedrotti will talk with Donna Coker to see if she wants to continue with the game. Motion made to charge a fee of $11.50 per game (same as ACBL fee for regular game). The motion was approved.  



Debra Romero was appointed Unit 143 representative to the District.

Sasanka reported that Kansas City is still interested in the Bragging Rights competition and will try to field a novice team for the event. They still owe Unit 143 for their share of the expenses for the last match. Part of problem is cost of vu-graph used during last year's event.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:20

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