
Unit 143 Board of Directors meeting

April 9, 2008

(Approved May 14, 2008)

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Board members Bob Janis, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Sandy Bigg, Donna Pedrotti, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Mark Ludwig, Jane Ettelson, and Ed Hale. Absent were Board members Steve Zenk, Debbie Romero, and Sasanka Ramanadham. Also present was Mike Carmen.

March Minutes

The March minutes were approved with minor changes.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The Unit 143 data base is current as of March 1, 2008. The data base will be updated with the April 1, 2008 ACBL In / Out report when Jack Bryant returns from out of town.

The 2008 POTY report will be updated to include results of the April Unit Game. The report will be e-mailed to Milt Zlatic and Sheryl Finkenstadt.

E-mailed Sheryl Finkenstadt data on Unit 143 Board members indicating the year they were elected, the year their term ends and how many terms they have served.

Two Excel files were sent to Sasanka Ramanadham. These files were used to print mailing labels for postcards for the upcoming Sectional, regional and St Louis KO qualifying matches.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of March 31, 2008. This showed a balance of $ 5,620 in the checking account. The unit has $35,887 in current assets. The report shows a loss of $1,858 for the months of October 2007 thru March 2008. Bob noted that some expense (about $500) have been prepaid for future tournaments. We are ahead of the budget. The report was approved.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti reported that trophies have been ordered for the May Sectional Tournament. She will order additional trophies for the Easy Bridge and youth sections at the tournament.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Suzi Shymanski-Moore will provide refreshments for the Easy Bridge and youth sections at the May Sectional Tournament.

  1. Education

No report

D. Membership

Steve Zenk e-mailed his report to the board members. He reported 15 new members, 18 current non life masters went inactive and 13 transfers into Unit 143. Our membership count stands at 1060.

E. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt reported there were 10,316 hits on web site pages.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham e-mailed his report to the Board members. Post cards for the May Sectional, the Bragging Rights qualifying, and the Regional Tournaments were sent in one mailing. Cost for the mailing was $978.

  1. NAP/GNT

Ed Hale reported that the GNT game will be held the weekend of May3-4 at the Education Association Building in Springfield, Ill. No pre-qualification is required.

Ed will ask club owners to provide him a listing of their pre-qualification games for the NAP. Ed will have the lists put on the Unit 143 website.

  1. !99er Tournament

Jane Ettelson reported that March 199er had a total count of 48.5 tables. The table count for the morning session increased from 23 to 34.5 from last September's tournament. Jane indicated some morning pairs were turned away because of a lack of tables. Jane will investigate the possibility of buying some additional tables for the event. Jane reported a profit of $205.40 for the tournament.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

No Report.

  1. Tournament Chairman

No report

  Meeting Adjourned at 8:17 PM


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