Unit 143 Board Meeting

        June 11, 2008

(Approved July 9, 2008)

Vice President Suzi Shymanski-Moore called the meeting to order at 6:58 PM. Present were Board members Bob Janis, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Donna Pedrotti, Mark Ludwig, Jane Ettelson, Debbie Romero and Sasanka Ramanadham . Absent were Board members Sandy Bigg, John Samsel, Steve Zenk, and Ed Hale. Also present was Mike Carmen.

May Minutes

The May minutes were approved with minor changes.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The Unit 143 data base will be replaced with new files ordered from ACBL on June 8, 2008.

The 2008 POTY report was updated to include results of the June 1 st Unit Game. The report was e-mailed to Milt Zlatic and Sheryl Finkenstadt.

Ten life master pins were purchased from Baron Barclay.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of May 31, 2008. This showed a balance of $ 8,239 in the checking account. The unit has $35,683 in current assets. The report shows a loss of $2,061 for the months of October 2007 thru May 2008. This loss includes some prepaid expenses for future tournaments. The report was approved. Bob requested that the various committees provide budget input to him at the July Board meeting.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti purchased 267 marble bases for the trophies. These bases are to be discontinued. She also purchased 34 bases for the Bragging Rights trophies. She previously had purchased hands for the trophies. Total cost is $471.04. Donna will only need to purchase name plates and engraving for the trophies.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Suzi Shymanski-Moore reported that left over food from the May Sectional tournament was given to the St Charles police Department.

  1. Education

No report

D. Membership

Via e-mail, Steve Zenk reported 7 new members in May and a loss of 3 members. Our membership count stands at 1068.

E. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt reported there was an average of 11,551 hits per month for the last 3 months on web site pages.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham reported that he is expecting about 30 tables for the St. Louis KO qualifying matches. He is not sure who the director will be. He will be getting a vu-graph from Alan Popkin for use at the August regional KO matches.

  1. NAP/GNT

No report

  1. !99er Tournament

No Report

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

No Report.

  1. Tournament Chairman

Mike Carman said that the May Sectional tournament made about $85. The budget had projected a loss of $333. Mike indicated that EASY bridge section was not well attended. However the youth pairs group had seven tables.

The Board expressed interest in doing the youth game at a future tournament. Sasanka Ramanadham will talk to Chris Shaw to see if there is any interest in a future game.

After a long discussion, the Board decided to leave the game starting times unchanged.

Mike stated the number of hotel reservations for the August Regional Tournament is up over last years total at this time.

New Business  

Suzi Shymanski-Moore provided an e-mail from Aileen Osofsky, Chairman of the Goodwill Committee. The committee is accepting nominations for the 2009 Goodwill Member of the year. The award is for a member who has continually exhibited unselfish dedication to the causes of good conduct, ethical behavior and who has made bridge contributions above and beyond the call of duty. Nominations can only be made by the unit board and must be received by Oct. 1, 2008. Suzi is looking for recommendations.  

Debbie Romero attended the District 8 Board meeting. They have a concern only seven C teams attended the recent Grand National team event. The District 8 Board would like Unit 143 to advertise this event to its members.   John Samsel, Sasanka Ramanadham and Mark Ludwig will not be returning as board members next year. Donna Pedrotti, Suzie Shymanski-Moore and four non-board members will comprise the nominating committee. They hope to get more than three candidates so that there can be an actual election at the October Tournament. The candidates will need petitions with at least 25 signatures to get their names on the ballot. Sheryl Finkenstadt volunteered to put together a web page spot asking for volunteers to fill the board positions. She will e-mail the spot to members for their input.  

In an effort to get better attendance at the annual member meeting, the Unit 143 board voted to change the meeting to Sunday at 10:00 AM before the start of the Swiss Team event.

Old Business

Suzi Shymanski-Moore indicated that Alan Popkin will schedule a hearing in July to resolve issue of player who caused a recent problem at Beth Percich's game and at Donna Coker's game several months ago. Suzi indicated that this is an issue for the Disciplinary Committee headed by Alan Popkin and not an issue for which the Board has authority to resolve.  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 PM


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