Unit 143 Board Meeting

        July 9, 2008

(Approved September 10, 2008)

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 6:58 PM. Present were Board members Bob Janis, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Donna Pedrotti, Steve Zenk, Jane Ettelson, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Ed Hale, Sany Bigg, and Sasanka Ramanadham . Absent were Board members Mark Ludwig and Debbie Romero. Also present was Mike Carmen.

June Minutes

The June minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The Unit 143 data base were replaced with new files ordered from ACBL on June 10, 2008.

The 2008 POTY report was updated to include results of the July 6 th Unit Game. The report was e-mailed to Milt Zlatic and Sheryl Finkenstadt.

Ten life master pins were received from Baron Barclay.

The Missouri Annual Business Registration Report was filed on July 4 th .

Mailing labels were printed and provided to Jane Ettelson for the next 199er game.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of June 30, 2008. This showed a balance of $ 6,280 in the checking account. The unit has $34,179 in current assets. The report shows a loss of $3,565 for the months of October 2007 thru May 2008. This loss includes about $1,600 in prepaid expenses for future tournaments. The report was approved. Bob again requested that the various committees provide budget input.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti has ordered awards for the upcoming Regional. Only nameplates and engraving are required.

Donna provided a slate for the 2008/2009 Unit 143 Board of Directors. The nominations are Sandy Bigg, Bob Janis, Jeff Kopolow and Bobby Riggs. To date two other people Carol Binkelman and Jackie Baker have petitioned for election to the Board of Directors at during the October Sectional Tournament. Donna anticipates at least one other person will petition for election to the Board of Directors.

Donna also provided a list of things required in preparation for the October election. This list includes the preparation and printing of profiles and pictures of the candidates for distribution to the club owners after the August Regional. Also required are the print of ballots, the need for a ballot box and finding people to work the voting desk all three days at the October Sectional. We will also require a membership update from Memphis prior to the election.

Donna also proposed the appointment of Bill Bunn to fill unexpired term of Sasanka Ramanadham. She also proposed the appointment of Carl Clyne to fill the vacancy of out state director. The appointments were approved.

Ed Hale was nominated as Out-State Director. He will be appointed to the position unless someone petitions to run for the Board of Directors.

  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Suzi Shymanski-Moore reported that she is working on the hospitality menu for the regional Tournament. The Back Stoppers organization will send a representative to accept the proceeds of the charity game at the August Regional Tournament.

  1. Education

No report

D. Membership

Steve Zenk reported a net loss of 1 member. Our membership count stands at 1067.

E. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt reported there was an average of 11,300 hits per month for the last 4 months on web site pages. There were 10,700 hits on the web site pages for the month of June.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham asked for help during the St. Louis KO qualifying matches.

  1. NAP/GNT

Ed Hale reported that his collecting the names of the NAP qualifiers from the Game Results pages on the unit web site.

  1. !99er Tournament

Jane Ettelson received mailing labels for the September 199er Tournament. She indicated that she may require 10 more card tables for the September event.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

No Report.

  1. Tournament Chairman

Mike provided budget and schedule for the upcoming August Regional Tournament. He projects a net profit of about $8,068. Mike said that hotel expenses are up 5% over last year. His budget was approved. Mike stated the number of hotel reservations for the August Regional Tournament is up over last years total at this time.

New Business

Lee Hastings petitioned the Board for two IMP pair unit games to be held on Sept 14, 2008 and Oct 12, 2008 at Brentwood Community Center. These games would be included when determining the POTY winner. Lee also requested two more unit games which must be used before 12/31/2008. The request was approved.

Old Business

The Board voted to move the annual meeting back to Saturday evening at the October Sectional.

  Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 PM


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