Unit 143 Board Meeting Rev 1

        October 22, 2008

President John Samsel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Board members Bob Janis, Bob Wheeler, Sheryl Finkenstadt, Steve Zenk, Jane Ettelson, Suzi Shymanski-Moore, Ed Hale, Mark Ludwig, Debbie Romero, Sasanka Ramanadham, Sandy Bigg and Donna Pedrotti. Absent was Board member Carl Clyne. Also present was Mike Carmen.

September Minutes

The September minutes were approved.

Corresponding Secretary's Report

The Unit 143 data base will be updated with the ACBL In/Out Report dated 10/1/2008.

The 2008 POTY report will be updated to include results of the Oct. 3rd Unit Game and the October Sectional Tournament. The report will be e-mailed to Milt Zlatic and Sheryl Finkenstadt.

A list of new Life Masters was prepared for John Samsel. They were awarded their LM pins at the October Sectional Tournament.

Treasurer's Report

Bob Janis provided a copy of the Unit 143 balance sheet as of September 30, 2008. This showed a balance of $10,540 in the checking account. The unit has $38,947 in current assets. The report shows a profit of $1,203 for the months of October 2007 thru September 2008. The 2007/2008 budget had projected a profit of $5539.

Bob also provided a copy of the 2008/2009 budget. The budget projects a profit of $927 for the next fiscal year. The Unit 143 Board approved the budget.


A. Awards/Nominating/Club Liaison

Donna Pedrotti will order nameplates for the new Board members. Donna will give LM pins to the new Life Masters who were not present at the Saturday evening at the Sectional tournament.


  1. Charity/Hospitality/Caddies

Suzi Shymanski-Moore reported that $909 was donated to the Back Stoppers organization

  1. Education

No report

D. Membership

Steve Zenk reported a net loss of 10 members. Our membership count stands at 1071.

E. Website

Sheryl Finkenstadt reported there were13000+ hits in September on the Unit 143 web site pages. She says the number of hits per month is stable.

  1. Publicity

Sasanka Ramanadham has prepared a description of how he performs his duties in Publicity and for the Braggin Rights matches. He also has list on contacts in other units to sent fliers for our tournaments for his successor. Sasanka will e-mail the information to his successor.

Sasanka recommended that we host a youth and Easy bridge session at the May 2009 -Sectional tournament similar to 2008 May Sectional tournament. This tournament was a qualifying session for the National Youth Tournament. Last year's event was well received by the players. Chris Shaw is the contact person for the young players.

  1. NAP/GNT

Ed Hale reported that he has collected the names of the NAP qualifiers from the Game Results pages on the unit web site. Post cards have been prepared and will be sent to the qualifiers. Ed Hale completed the post cards for the NAP qualifiers. He reported that there were a total of 38 qualifying games. Ed had some difficulty obtaining addresses for all the qualifiers. In order to save on postage, Ed gave the post cards to some players he knew who were at the October Sectional Tournament. Ed will mail the rest of the post cards to the qualifiers.

  1. 199er Tournament

Jane Ettelson reported that September 199er had a total count of 56.5 tables.

There were 31 tables for the AM session and 25.5 tables for the PM session. The net profit for the unit was $1.99. The profit for the March 199er Tournament was $205.40. The decrease in profit was due primarily to an increase in director fees.

  1. Recording Secretary/Bidding Boxes

No report

  1. Vice President

No Report.

  1. Tournament Chairman

Mike Carman said that the October Sectional tournament made about $1,355. The budget had projected a gain of $320. Mike indicated that the table count was up almost 40 tables from last year's tournament. Mike recommended that we continue to send post cards advertising the events. The board held discussion on using bulk mailing rates for these post cards. He also recommended that we move the starting time for the Saturday morning back to 9:00 AM to allow the directors more time to prepare for the Saturday afternoon session. No action was taken.

Mike reported from the District meeting in Fort Wayne. ACBL has sold their building in Memphis and is deciding whether to build or buy a new building. The STAC week is scheduled for Oct 27 thru Nov 2. The NAP is scheduled for the weekend of Nov 8/9. Mike also talked about the handicapping of teams in the top bracket of the KO events.

New Business John Samsel recommended that the new Board consider replacing the Disciplinarian because of inaction concerning a problem event.

Old Business

The Board counted the votes from the election held during the Fall Sectional Tournament. The winners were Jackie Baker, Carole Benkelman, Bob Janis and Bobby Riggs  

Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 PM

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