Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes

Rev 1

August 12, 2009


President Suzi Shymanski –Moore called the special meeting to order at 7:07 PM.

Present were Unit 143 Board members Bob Wheeler, Booby Riggs, Jennifer Luner, Carole Benkelman, Steve Zenk, Donna Pedrotti, Jackie Baker, Bill Bunn, Jane Ettelson, and Bob Janis. Absent were Ed Hale, Carl Clyne and Debra Romero.

The meeting minutes for the May and July meetings were approved, Due to a lack of a quorum, there was no meeting in June.

Bobby Riggs was assigned the job of Parliamentarian for the Board.

Bill Bunn's proposal for survey of members concerning their views of the August Regional Tournament was tabled until the September meeting.

Carl Clyne status as a Board member was discussed. Carl elected erroneously to the Board as an outside the Metropolitan area member. However he lives in the metropolitan area (Jefferson County). Carl' s status will be rectified at the October election at which time he will be on the ballot as a candidate from the Metropolitan area.

The Board also determined that if a person on the Board moves from outstate to the Metropolitan area, he or she shall remain on the Board until the next election.

The meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.






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