Unit 143 Board Meeting-

November 11, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 by President Suzy Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Jackie Baker, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Carl Clyne, Jane Ettelson, Jennifer Luner, Bobby Riggs and Steve Zenk. Absent: Ed Hale and Donna Pedrotti. Also in attendance, Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair

October Minutes

The minutes of the October board meeting were approved.

The Corresponding Secretary's Report

The database was downloaded on November 7th from the ACBL to replace the Unit databases for Units 143, 101, 131, 154, 208, 223, and 239. This is done monthly.   There are 1105 members in Unit 143.

The 2009 ESUCA standings were updated including the October 11 th , November 1 st , and November 8th Unit Games and all results from the October sectional. This report was sent to Milt Zlatic for posting on the Unit web-site.

 Obituary notices for Unit members Gerald Schneider and Mary Hruby were sent to the ACBL.


A copy of the Unit database (in Excel) was sent to Suzi Moore in order to prepare a Unit telephone directory.


A copy of the Unit database was mailed to club owner, Chuck Starovasnik, at his request.


Eight letters with Life Master pins, not awarded at the October sectional, were mailed.

Treasurers Report


Bob Janis submitted the Treasurers Report for October. The report showed a net income of $344.86 for the month of October. The balance of total liabilities and equity is $ 45,847.88. The report was filed.


Tournament Chair Report


Mike Carmen submitted a report on the October 2009 St Charles sectional. The table count for the sectional was 348. This is a decrease of 17 tables from the table count for the 2008 October Sectional. The table count was down 11 tables from the budgeted count for the October 2009 sectional. The net profit for the tournament was $761.00. The board voted to approve the same schedule of events for the January 2010 sectional and also the same starting times for the events.


Suzi Moore reported on hospitality for the tournament. She reported that there were significant problems with the caterer for the Sunday meal and she has arranged for a new caterer at no increase in cost. In addition, to the Sunday meal the caterer will be providing sandwiches for sale for lunch on Saturday. The caterer is Sandy who provides lunch for sale at several club games.


Debbie Romero reported that she increased publicity for the October sectional from previous tournaments. She reported that she mailed an additional 400 postcards as well as distributed more flyers to clubs unit 143 as well clubs in Illinois and Missouri.


Elections of Unit Board Officers for the 2009/2010 term


Bobby Riggs, unit parliamentarian, conducted the nominating and voting process for board officers for the 2009-2010 terms. The results were as follows: Suzi Moore was reelected President for a second term; Steve Zenk was elected Vice President; Jane Ettelson was elected Recording Secretary and Bob Janis was reelected Treasurer.


Board Responsibilities


Steve Zenk will assume the position of partnership chair for the sectionals and regional as well as continuing in the position of club liaison.


Jackie Baker will assume the position of membership chair.


Bobby Riggs will coordinate the datebook. Suzi will get the files for the datebook from Mary Hruby's family.


Other responsibilities will remain the same at this time.



Policy and Procedure Manuel


Bill Bunn has taken responsibility for organizing the first policy and procedure manual for the Unit 143 Board. The outline was reviewed as well as assignments for completion. Board members are responsible to have the policy and procedures for their areas of responsibility to Bill by December 1.


Topics of Discussion


The board will publish a membership directory for purchase by the unit membership. Bill Bunn, Suzi Moore and Jennifer Luner are working on this project with tentative plans for the directory to be available at the January Sectional. The board discussed charging $1.00 per copy and agreed this would be appropriate pending the final cost of printing.


The board discussed reinstituting the mentoring program. Jackie Baker, Jane Ettelson and Suzi Moore will explore this further.


The board discussed naming an event at the regional in memory of Mary Hruby in recognition to her long standing service to Unit 143. This was tabled for further discussion.


Debbie Romero reported that members had expressed concern that a club director had been delinquent in reporting masterpoints to the ACBL. Debbie will follow up with ACBL Steve Zenk, club liaison; will explore this with the club director, to gather information.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.



Submitted on November 17, 2009


Jane Ettelson

Recording Secretary

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