Unit 143 Board Meeting

January 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Bob Janis, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Carl Clyne, Jane Ettelson, Ed Hale, Jennifer Luner, Donna Pedrotti, Bobby Riggs and Jackie Baker. Absent: Debbie Romero and Steve Zenk.

President’s Report

Suzi Moore reported that Mike Carmen, tournament chair would not be at the board meeting and he would also not be in attendance at the upcoming January Sectional to be held this weekend.  Suzi asked for board members to sign up to help with hospitality and clean up.  She reported that the Ed Shultz Unit Champion Award would be presented to Tom Oppenheimer, the 2009 Player of the Year, at the upcoming sectional.  In addition, the Mini-McKinney medals and new life master pins would be presented.  The unit is growing substantially with 24 new members this month.

December 2009 Minutes

The December minutes were approved with the amendment that Bob Janis was also in attendance at the December meeting.  The minutes will be posted on the web site with this correction.

The Corresponding Secretary’s Report

The following report was e-mailed to board members from the Jack Bryant, corresponding secretary.  The report was filed.

Treasurers Report

Bob Janis reported that the total liabilities and equity this month was $43,447.55 with a net income loss of $2055.47.  He reported that the loss was because the rent for Blanchette Park for 2010 was paid as well as the deposit for the telephone directories.  Bob also reported that the Federal 990 Tax Return for the fiscal year 2008/2009 had been filed.  The Treasurers Report was filed.

Membership Directory

Bill Bunn reported that the final cost for the membership directory was $1465.79.  After selling $500.00 in advertising there was a net expense of $965.79 for the printing of 1000 directories.  Bill reported that he was been distributing the directories at club games and will have them for distribution at the Sectional this weekend.  Jackie Baker will also include a directory in the new member packet.  Members who have not received a directory can request one at local club games.  All members will be given a free directory at their request and can purchase additional ones for $1.00.  The full directory is also on the Unit web site and can be downloaded free of charge.  Suzi reported that she had received many positive comments about the directory.

Bragging Rights

Bill Bunn reported that he has applied for a sanction for the Bragging Rights qualifier which will be held on July 10 and 11th at the Maryland Heights Community Center.

Unit Email list

Bill reported that to date he has received a list of 493 e-mail addresses from our members.  This is almost half of the membership. 

Policy and Procedure Manual

Bill Bunn reported that the policy and procedure manual in 90% complete.  Bill is still awaiting reports for the completion of 3 sections.

Directors Tests

Jennifer Luner questioned whether the local board must approve an individual’s request to take the ACBL directors test. She will follow up with ACBL for further clarification of the role of the Unit in this matter.

Instant Match Point Game

Jane Ettelson read a correspondence from ACBL requesting approval for a sanction to be granted to Chuck Starovasnik to hold an Instant Match Point game on Sept 16, 2010.  As there were no conflicts or competing requests, the board voted to grant to sanction.  Jane will notify the ACBL.

Ask the Expert

Jennifer requested that board members submit questions for Ask the Expert from interesting hands at the upcoming sectional.  Carl, Donna, Suzi and Bob agreed to submit questions.

Web site

Jennifer reported that unit member Helene Siegfried will be assisting with the web site when the new software is implemented.

Jefferson County Club

Carl Clyne reported club concerns that have developed in Jefferson County in regards to an unsanctioned game.  The board has no authority over any unsanctioned games.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:44

Submitted on January 18, 2010 by

Jane Ettelson

 Recording Secretary

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