Unit 143 Board Meeting

February 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Suzi Shymanski Moore at 7:05 PM.

Board Members Present: Suzi Moore, Bob Janis, Carole Benkelman, Carl Clyne, Ed Hale, Donna Pedrotti, Robert Riggs, Jackie Baker, and Steve Zenk.  Absent: Debbie Romero, Bill Bunn, Jane Ettelson, Jennifer Luner.

Secretary’s Report

Minutes for the January meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report.

Bob Janis reported that the total liabilities and equity for the organization was $47,023.59 as of Jan. 31, 2010.  Although the final figure is not yet available, it was clear that the unit made a profit on the January sectional.  After talking with the bank, Bob was able to have some service charges eliminated and has thus determined to continue our relationship with First Bank.

Tournament Report.

Mike Carman was not able to attend the meeting but did provide data on the number of tables in play during the weekend.  Apparently we set a record for the January sectional with 414 tables in play.  

The only downside to the event was the shortage of food for lunch on Sunday.  Suzi indicated that the reason for this was the increase in the number of entries.  After discussion it was decided by the board to have Sandy continue to cater the next sectional, while hospitality will adjust expectations for the number of players.  We do not expect to run out of food again.

It was also agreed that we would not announce winners of the Mini McKinney races until May in future years.  Both Jack Bryant and Suzi have apologized to the individuals affected by the premature announcement.

Steve Zenk asked if it would be possible for announcements and awards be made in such a way that players in the other rooms would feel included.  Bob Janis suggested that perhaps Blanchette Park had a PA system that could be heard throughout the building.  At least one of the Tournament Directors had an issue with the starting time on Friday and Saturday nights.  They may not have enough time to set up, go out to eat, and get back to handle the early registrations.  Some board members felt that the new starting times contributed to the record turnout.

Robert Riggs asked for clarification on whether or not Bill Bunn’s suggestion for a committee to proof and edit the unit’s proposed procedural manual will be implemented.  It was agreed that this was a good idea provided the original writers of the booklet would have final control of the suggested edits.

Suzi stated that the unit had no jurisdiction over the dispute between the Jefferson County Club and an unsanctioned game.  Carl Clyne asked that a note to that effect be sent to Luke at Jefferson County and she agreed to do so.

Jackie Baker reported that membership had held steady at around 1100.  She also mentioned that Jane Ettelson had already received 20 reservations for the 199er tournament in March.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Submitted by Steve Zenk

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