Unit 143 Board Meeting- April 14, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Bob Janis, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Jane Ettelson, Ed Hale, Jennifer Luner, Bobby Riggs, Debbie Romero, Steve Zenk, Carl Clyne, and Donna Pedrotti. 

Absent: Jackie Baker.

March 2010 Minutes

The March 2010 minutes were approved.

The Corresponding Secretary’s Report

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was emailed by Jack Bryant to the members of the BOD on April 13, 2010.

Downloaded on April 12th  two files from the ACBL database to replace the Unit databases for Units 143, 101, 131, 154, 208, 223, and 239.  This is done monthly.  There are 1129 members in Unit 143.  E-mailed Carl Clyne a copy of the Unit database.

  1. Updated the 2010 ESUCA standings with the February 14th and March 8th Unit games and e-mailed a report to Milt Zlatic for posting o the Unit web-site.
  2. The April 11th Unit Game results have not been posted on the web site.  The 2010 ESUCA standings will be updated when the results are available and a report will be e-mailed to Milt Zlatic for posting on the Unit web site.
  3. Downloaded a file of the Unit 223 members for Bill Bunn
  4. Mailed obituary notices for Eleanor Collinger and Louis Ellebracht to the ACBL.  In addition, notified   the ACBL that Celia Meyer had died.  This information was sent to Jennifer.

Pending tasks:

  1. Update the ESUCA standings with the results of the May Unit games and May Sectional.
  2. With BOD approval, order 10 LM pins form Baron-Barclay at a cost of about $75.00.

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was filed.

Treasurers Report

 Bob Janis reported that the Unit had a balance $ 46,229.90.  The net year-to-date income is $726.88.  The Treasurers Report was filed.


Debbie Romero passed out the ACBL approved flyers for the May Sectional.  Swiss team events in the Open Room will be stratified by team average.  This does not apply to the 299’er Swiss event.

IN Program

Jane Ettelson requested BOD approval for a New Player Appreciation Day.  All ACBL members with 0-5 MP’s who play on Friday afternoon at the May Sectional will be given a free play that can be used on either Friday or Saturday evening.  The BOD approved this motion.  Bill Bunn will assist with developing a flyer and publicity of this program.


Jane Ettelson reported that 199’er tournament was held on March 27, 2010.  There were 41.5 tables in attendance at the afternoon session and 21.5 tables at the evening session.  This was a record number of tables for both sessions.  Sandy Springer catered the event.  The unit netted $571.31 from the event.  Due to the large increase in the table count, Jane anticipates an increase in the 199’er table count at the May sectional.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Suzi Moore reported that she attended a game where a novice pair had a negative experience due to the behavior of their opponents.  It was discussed that the BOD should send a letter to novice players who report this experience.  Jennifer will send BOD members information on the ACBL zero tolerance policy.  The BOD will review the policy and vote at the May meeting as to whether to adopt the zero tolerance policy for all Unit sponsored events.

Web site

Bob Janis presented a report from Web Site Committee. The committee met in April. Bob stated that Andy Finke stat will not be upgrading the new software.  Milt Zlatic may be available for this.  The committee is developing guidelines for the web site with respect to member achievements as well as obituary information. The committee is also working on changing the format of the home page.

Bragging Rights KO

Bill Bunn submitted a flyer for advertising the Bragging Rights KO.  The BOD approved the flyer for distribution and for posting on the Web site.  There will be a side game of fast pairs for those teams knocked out in the first round of the Bragging Rights KO. There was a discussion as to whether the fast pairs should also be open to pairs that did not participate in the KO.  Bill will explore this with the Bragging Rights KO DIC, Donna Coker.

St Louis Regional

Jennifer Luner reported that the cost of the Daily Bulletin for the Regional is approximately $1000.  She recommended that the BOD explore the option of local business, i.e. restaurants, advertising in the bulletin.  This could help defray the costs.  A committee was formed to explore the option of advertising and to contact local businesses.  The committee consists of Bob Janis, Bob Riggs and Donna Pedrotti.

Mary Hruby Memorial

The BOD voted to approve that a plague be presented to Mary Hruby’s family at the Regional. The plaque would honor Mary’s long-standing contribution to the unit.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:56

Submitted on April 28, 2010 by

Jane Ettelson

 Recording Secretary


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