Unit 143 Board Meeting- June 9, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Jane Ettelson, Bobby Riggs, Steve Zenk, Carl Clyne, Jackie Baker, and Donna Pedrotti.  Absent: Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Debbie Romero and Ed Hale.

Also in attendance: Mike Carmen, Tournament Chair

April 2010 Minutes

The March 2010 minutes were approved. 

The Corresponding Secretary’s Report

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was emailed by Jack Bryant to the members of the BOD on June 9, 2010.

Downloaded on June 7th  one file from the ACBL database to replace the Unit databases for Units 143, 101, 131, 154, 208, 223, and 239.  This is done monthly.  There are 1132 members in Unit 143.  E-mailed Carl Clyne a copy of the Unit database.

Pending tasks:

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was filed.

Treasurers Report

 Bob Janis was not in attendance; therefore, a Treasures report was not filed at the BOD meeting.

May Sectional

Mike Carmen reported that the May Sectional had met expectations and the I/N program had exceeded expectations.  The profit for the May Sectional was $2,190.  Mike reported that the Bridge Pads had been successful for the most part and saved money by decreasing the number or caddies.  Due to the increase in table count in the I/N program, the 199’er section was held on the lower level.  There were some problems due to unexpected flooding.  It is anticipated that the lower level will continue to be used for the sectional; therefore coffee, soda, water and snacks will need to be available on the lower level during the sessions.

IN Program

Jane Ettelson reported that the New Player Appreciation Day at the May Sectional had been successful.  Bill Bunn requested that we allow all players with 0-5 masterpoints who are members of the ACBL to play for free in all I/N pairs games at the Sectionals.  The BOD voted unanimously to approve this.

Jackie Baker presented on the Gold Rush Pairs.  Gold Rush pairs are 2 session regional tournament pairs events, stratified into 0-300 and 300-750. Gold points are awarded for overall placements on the top bracket.  Jackie noted that several regional tournaments have reported a significant increase in their table count with the institution of this program.  The initiation of this program could significantly increase table count at the St Louis Regional.  Mike Carmen and the BOD agreed to consider this for the 2011 St Louis Regional.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Mike Carmen reported that ACBL requires that all Unit 143 tournaments sanctioned by ACBL are required to follow the zero tolerance policy as defined by the ACBL.

Nominating Committee

Donna Pedrotti has initiated a nominating committee for the upcoming slate of candidates for the Unit 143 BOD to replace the directors who will be leaving after the completion of their term in October. It is anticipated that an election may also be held.

Youth Bridge

Carl Clyne reported that Luke Lucas is running a Youth Bridge program in the schools in Jefferson County.  There are 189 middle school age children enrolled in the summer school program. They will be receiving math credit for attending the program.  The BOD voted to approve providing trophies for this program.

Chris Shaw will be presenting a on the Youth Bridge at the St Louis Regional.

Memorial Plaque

A memorial plaque will be present to Mary Hruby’s family at the Regional in honor of Mary’s contribution to the BOD and the bridge community.

Policy and Procedure Manuel.

Bill Bunn e-mail  a copy of the Policy and Procedure Manuel to all board members for their  review and feedback.   The Policy and Procedure Manuel will be finalized in September.

Advertising in the Regional Daily Bulletin

This has been tabled until next year.  The committee (Bob Janis, Bobby, Steve, Donna and Jennifer) will continue to investigate the viability of advertising in the Daily Bulletin as a means to defray cost for the 2011 Regional.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45

Submitted on July 6, 2010 by

Jane Ettelson

 Recording Secretary


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