Unit 143 Board Meeting- July 14, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Jane Ettelson, Bobby Riggs, Steve Zenk, Donna Pedrotti, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Debbie Romero, and Ed Hale.  Absent: Carl Clyne and Jackie Baker

June 2010 Minutes

The June 2010 minutes were approved. 

Treasurers Report

The BOD moved that the treasurer’s report be filed.  The report showed a balance of $47,643.70 in total liabilities and equity and net income of $2140.00.

The Corresponding Secretary’s Report

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was emailed by Jack Bryant to the members of the BOD on July 13, 2010.

Downloaded on July 6, 2010 one file from the ACBL database to replace the Unit databases for Units 143, 101, 131, 154, 208, 223, and 239.  This is done monthly.  There are 1130 members in Unit 143.  E-mailed Carl Clyne a copy of the Unit database.

  1. Updated the 2010 ESUCA standings with the June 13th and July 11th Unit games and the St Louis Bragging Rights KO and emailed a report to Milk Zlatic for posting on the unit web-site.
  2. Printed mailing labels for Debbie Romero that will be used to address postcards for the St. Louis Regional.
  3. Filed the 2010 Missouri Corporate Registration report.

Pending tasks:

  1. Update the ESUCA standings with the results of the St Louis Regional and the August 1st and 8th Unit games and e-mail a copy to Milt Zlatic.

The Corresponding Secretary’s report was filed.

Old Business

Milt Zlatic is working with Dream Weaver to improve the web site.

Board of Directors approved the development of an IN page on the web site.

Budget for 2011

Bob Janis requested that all committee chairs provide their budget requests for 2011 by the September 2010 board meeting.


Bob Riggs reported that is has spoken to all the club directors and is compiling information for the 2011 datebook. Chuck Starovasnic requested that his Pro-Am be placed in the datebook for 2011. The BOD approved this request.

Bragging Rights KO

Bill Bunn reported that this year’s Bragging Rights KO was successful both financially and in terms of the number of teams in attendance.  There were a total of 30 teams competing with a net profit of $475.89.  Many participants commented that they liked the lunch provided and also the fast pair’s game that was held for those players who had been knocked out in the first round.

Guidelines for the Unit 143 Board Members

Bill Bunn gave each member of the BOD a copy of the Guidelines for the Unit 143 Board Members.  The name of the document had been changed from the policy and procedure manual as this term was a more accurate description of the document.

Nominating Committee

Donna Pedrotti reported that she has organized a committee of the Unit 143 membership to nominate individuals for the 4 available positions for the upcoming term of the BOD. Debbie Romero confirmed that she is running for reelection.


Ed Hale reported that postcards will not be needed for attendance at the NAP.  Those who qualified will be sent electronically.  Members will be able to check the web site to see their status.

Upcoming St Louis Regional

Bill Bunn will look into creating new signage for the Regional for awards, partnership and photography.

The BOD approved wording by Donna for the Mary Hruby Memorial Plaque that will be presented to the Hruby family at the Sunday Swiss.

Debbie Romero reported that she had blanketed the area with increased publicity for the Regional.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:03

Submitted on August 8, 2010, 2010 by

Jane Ettelson

 Recording Secretary


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