Unit 143 Board Meeting Minutes - September 15, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by President Suzi Shymanski Moore.

Board Members present: Suzi Moore, Carole Benkelman, Bill Bunn, Jackie Baker, Donna Pedrotti, Bob Janis, Jennifer Luner, Debbie Romero, and Ed Hale.  Absent: Carl Clyne, Jane Ettelson, Bobby Riggs, and Steve Zenk.

July 2010 Minutes

The July 2010 minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report

The BOD moved that the treasurer’s report be filed.  The report showed a balance of $55,680.23 in assets/liabilities and net income of $10,177.21.

Bob Janis also distributed the 2011 budget.

Bob advised the Board that 1,300 date books are being printed for 2011.  They should be available by October 11, 2010.

August Regional Report

Mike Carmen was unable to attend.  His report will be presented at the next meeting.  Suzi did report that the tournament had net income of approximately $5,500.

Restaurant guides are left over from the tournament.  Donna Pedrotti will save them for possible use in 2011.

The Board discussed the hotel offering rates lower than our contracted rates.  This had a negative impact on the tournament’s profit/loss.  It was agreed that the tournament director must address this issue as soon as possible.

Ed Hale suggested contacting the Executive Suites to determine if they would have facilities to accommodate our Regional.  Suzi agreed to contact that hotel. 

Old Business

The Board approved payment of $250 to Jay Shah and Phyllis Siegel for their participation at Teacher Accreditation Classes in New Orleans.

Suzi requested that the revised guidelines manual be distributed at the October 2010 meeting.  Bill Bunn agreed to provide them.

Bragging Rights KO

The Board discussed the failure of the Kansas City 199er team to show up for the event.  This has happened at least twice before.  Bill Bunn reported he had contacted Kathy Rolfe (KC President) and she was not aware that their 199er team did not plan to appear and offered her apology.

The Board resolved that the new Board should address changes for next year’s contest.  There was general agreement we should provide a 199er event at the KO qualifying event even if there is no 199er Bragging Rights match.

Member Chair Report

Jackie Baker reported that the ACBL no longer requires Units to contact members after no renewals after two notices.  The Board agreed that the contacts would not be made in the future.  The guidelines manual will be edited to reflect this change.

District 8 Representative’s Report

Debbie Romero has been elected Vice-President of District 8 during their August meeting.

Debbie presented the following issues from the latest District Board meeting:


Debbie Romero reported that the October Sectional flyers will state that pairs and team events will be based on average MPs.  She asked that the DIC be notified so that the events are stratified this way.  Suzi agreed to contact Chris Patrias.

Sectional post cards and flyers have been distributed.

Postal rates for postcards will go up January 2, 2011.  Therefore, we should consider mailings planned for early in 2011 be advanced to take advantage of the current rate.  Debbie agreed to see if there are “forever’ stamps available for postcards.  (After the meeting adjourned, Debbie advised the recorder of these minutes that there is no “forever” stamp for postcards).

In order to make the District 8 Advocate deadline of December 2, the Board Resolved to finalize all details of the January 2011 Sectional no later than the November 2010 Board meeting.


The polls will be open one hour before events, and close 15 minutes prior to the events.  Absentee ballots are available from the Unit Secretary.  She has already received eight requests.

Email has been sent to the 519 names on the Unit’s email list informing members of the upcoming election and how to obtain an absentee ballot.

Board members were asked to sign up to man the polls.  A sign up sheet was circulated.

The Executive Council will meet on Monday following the election to count the votes.  Winners will be notified and posted on the web site by Wednesday October 20, 2010.


Ed Hale reported that postcards would be handed out at the October Sectional.

Web Site Policy Committee

Suzi requested the web site policy committee meet ASAP and finalize web site procedures.  Particularly emphasizing that home page changes require Board Approval.

The Committee should also address if the Unit’s email list will be used for events other than notices concerning the 199er tournament, KO qualifying contest, Sectionals and Regionals endorsed by the Unit.

199er Tournament

Bill Bunn reported that Jane Ettelson has already received reservations for 48 tables for the first session.  Maximum capacity is 42 tables.


Suzi has received some complaints about disabled access to the Sunday lunch.  It was agreed that Bill Bunn would prepare signage that would let disabled players know to contact Suzi so that accommodations can be made to have lunch served to them on the main level.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Submitted on September 16, 2010, by:

Bill Bunn
Board Member

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